# 15

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Laurence POV~

today is the valentines day date Lucinda decided to stay back she wanted to experiment with potions. so Nixie is my date which I'm happy about Aphmau, Garroth, and Cadenza know about my crush towards Nixie. we waited till everyone got here manly Cadenza and Nixie. "hey guy's sorry were late I made some adjustments on Nixie's dress, she looks fabulous I must say" Cadenza said. I looked at her 'that's an understatement' I thought. she's wearing one of her favorite color's her hair was a little more curler and put a little back with bobby pins.

"come on let's go to the arcade" Travis said. Nixie walked with me behind everyone.

"sorry about over dressing, I told her not to over do the dress and she did considering we are all going to a movie and an arcade" she said.

"it's fine, you look great" I said and she smiled. there was a small moment of awkward silence "what do you want to do first?" I asked and looked at her.

"I don't know, what about the- the air thing with the puck that slides around?" she said I laughed a little i find it adorable.

"air hokey follow me" I said and we walked over to the game. "now it's up to nine points to win" I said and she smiled.


"ok, ok you win but I'm new at this" she said and I smiled. 

"ya, but we should all head out to the movie it's about to start soon" I said and I wanted so bad to take her hand  but did my best not to. I feel a little bad for what happened to Aphmau. Zane basically had enough of this and went home. she put her arm around me I put my arm around her waist. "aw look who's being cute" Cadenza said Garroth giggled.

"your one to talk, you too are holding hands" I said.

"oh sibling rivalry your lucky Garroth your sibling left, oh and thank you for the dress Cadenza" she said. we walked to the theater by this time we let go of each other. payed for the movie tickets well I payed for both mine and Nix's. "I told you, you didn't have to pay for me" she said and looked at me.

"I want you to have a stress free night, and wedding's are expensive so to night is on me" I said she smiled slightly we walked to everyone else.

"aw look at the cute couple" Reese said.

"we're not a couple Reese" Nix said 'I wish we are' I thought.

"really, you guys seem like one, let's just go and watch the movie" Reese said, Kawaii~Chan did her best not to sequel or fan girl. Nix looked at me and was about to speak.

"I know but that's life, let's just enjoy the movie" I said and we walked in and sat down next to Katelyn and Travis. 

"what movie is this?" Nix asked.

"it's a new scary movie Travis suggested" I answered. she put her hand next to mine barley touching. the lights dimmed and the movie started. a half an hour or less we inter twined our hands, it just felt natural.


I took her home we talked a little bit longer "thanks for taking me out even if it was just to hang out with manly everyone" she said.

"no problem" I said and she stood on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist. we parted and she unlocked the door and walked in, then I went home.

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