# 12

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Nixie POV~

I walked to Aaron's house I followed his sent. I knocked on the door, he opened up and seemed surprised to see me. "Um... hey?" he said a little confused.

"Hi, your Aaron right" I asked and he nodded. "ok, I need to talk to you it's important" I said and he stepped aside and let me in.

"why do you need to talk to me?" he asked still unsure.

"your sent you smell like a werewolf but not a complete one" I said and was confused and played it off using a fake laugh.

"I-I don't know what your talking about" he said.

"come on, you can't fool this nose your sent is off, I know your not a human just tell me what are you werewolves smell is like the ground after it rains, you smell like the Maple leaves laying on the ground melting in the heat of the sun your sent is off" I said he sighed.

"promise you won't tell anyone, this stays between us" he said and I nodded. he took off his bandanna is eye's were mixed of gold and purple and black. "I'm an Ultima Werewolf" he said and put his bandanna back on.

"thats why you can't tell anybody, your secret is safe with me, now when are you going to tell Aphmau you like her?" I asked he blushed a bit. "don't denie it I know you like her" I said and he smiled.

"I don't know, for now I just want her happy" he said and I smiled. "what about one of the guys? you go over to there house a lot, which guy is it you like?" he asked and I sighed and looked to the floor.

"of course she told you" I started I looked at him. "no one, I hang out with my big brother Travis and prank his roommates and destroy them at video games, cause I get to hang out with my brother and be siblings that we never got the chance to be" I said with a smile.

"so you don't like any of them, you kissed Laurence and took a picture with Garroth holding you" he said and I gave him my signature look.

"the kiss from Laurence that is forced and Garroth was just congratulating me and I like to take pictures of my friends not in a creepy Travis way, I'm not like that" I said. "ok, so mom want's to see me and Travis for some reason, I'll see ya" I said and walked out of his house.

"hey Nix what were you doing at Aaron's house?" Aphmau asked.

"I wanted to get to know him better he seemed a little shy and might as well try to make him use to seeing me around town and knowing that he has a friend in town besides you" I said and she nodded. "I got to go I have to see my mom with Travis, see ya" I said.


"ok, so I have great news for the both of you" she said. "me and Victor are getting MARRIED" she said excited. (Victor is Travis's father name in this go with it) me and Travis hugged her.

"That's awesome" Travis exclaimed.

"we can be a real family" I said and she gave both of us a bear hug but she gave a lighter one to Travis given he's a human.

"now you can invite all your friends Nix, you are my maid of honor, Travis your the best main" she said and I smiled. "Nix get to choose the dress but I sign off on them and you help me find a dress or we make it our selves" she said.

"are you or dad going to have a bacheloret party?"Travis asked and I smacked his arm. he rubbed the spot I hit "ow" he said.

"no, it is Werewolf tradition not to do that it may show signs of mistrust in a marriage" she said vary strict.

"oh, right werewolves stick by tradition" he said. "well I'll tell everyone that you both are getting married" he said.

"oh also tell them that they are also brides maids and grooms men Victor asked and our friends wish not to be brides maids and grooms men, please do us a favor" she said and I nodded.

"we can we'll have you sign off on everything, you just get thing prepped, when's the wedding?" I asked.

"on April 26th see you then" she said.


"so why are we all here?" Lucinda asked.

"our parents are finally getting married, and they want you guy's to be brides maids and grooms men" I said and all the girls squealed and surrounded me. the guys gave high-fives and congratulate us.

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