# 18

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Nixie POV~

I woke up and I see Laurence sleeping still I see I'm back to my werewolf form. I got up and walked down stairs and in the kitchen and started to make pancakes with bacon. I played some music on my phone and sang along to what ever song came on.

Laurence POV~

I woke up Nixie wasn't here. the door was opened letting me hear some mumbles down stairs and I smelled bacon. I walked down stairs I heard Nixie singing I smiled and I looked at her standing in the door way. I walked up behind her see she was making pancakes and letting the bacon cool down. her tail wrapped around me and tickling my arm "how did you know I'm behind you" I asked trying to keep my laughter in.

"over this bacon I can smell your sent but your sent isn't that strong compared to bacon" she said and took a piece and I took one as well. "take 2 more I had 2 when you were sleeping" she said and I smiled and kissed her. 

"you are the best person ever and fair" I said and took 2 more piece's bacon.

"are we dating?" she asked and turned off the stove

"do you want to be?" I asked her "I'm willing to date you, be your boyfriend" I said and wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm wanting to date you, I'll be your mate or girlfriend as human's say, but I want food" she said with a smile and went to get plates, and divided up the food.

"Mate is a werewolf thing right?" I asked she nodded.

"ya, some werewolves say mate to stay close to actual wolves as close as possible, that's why we stick to tradition and we have a alpha male and female and at least one omega in a pack when were on our own the rules don't aplie" she said and we sat on the couch.

"now what would count as a pack?" I asked and ate a piece of a pancake.

"about 7 or more people, everyone here on my street they count as my pack Zane would be the omega he's the weakest out of the pack" she said.

"I'll agree with that" I said and she smiled "how does an Alpha get's chosen?" I asked.

"by leadership, and strength mostly so I don't see Aaron being able to lead people, I would say you or Garroth for Alpha, as for female alpha same rules aplie I would say Katelyn she's strong and is a great leader" she said and started to eat.

"way not you as Alpha?" I asked.

"I've been the Omega because I seemed the weakest because I was blind, now that I can see I really don't see my self as a leader, maybe I don't know I'll protect my pack at all cost, but enough about me and werewolf culture, what about you and human culture" she asked. I smiled looking into her gold eyes and I started to talk about what she asked me.


"are you even trying to beat me?" she asked and looked at me.

"I am trying" I tried to cover up me letting her win. she looked at me with her signature look. "ok, maybe I was letting you win" I said giving in. 

"don't be afraid to hurt my feeling's, I can tell you when you do" she said and wrapped her arms around my shoulders and put her leg's on my lap. I put my arm around waist and looked at her see her smile. 

"your to cute" I said and she put her hand on my cheek and placed her lips on mine. my phone went off I sighed and she stopped and picked up my phone. "yes" I said trying to hide my annoyedness, 'Laurence where are you, you never came home' Garroth asked.

"I'm at Nix's home spending time with my girlfriend" I said and she kissed my cheek I smiled. 'oh, that's great I just called to see if you were ok, see you later Laurence' Garroth said and hung up. I looked back at her with a smile and kissed her again and I put my arms around her and she sat on my lap and moving her leg to the other side of me. 

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