# 23

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Nixie POV~

Aaron took me home I'm sneezing up a storm. I walked in Laurence was still here avoiding Zane Laurence looked at me and I sneezed, my throat is killing me. he held my shoulder "What happened over there?" he asked and led me to the couch.

"the werewolf- Issue was the guys- putting lavender everywhere- to mess with the- werewolf senses- turns out- I'm allergic to Lavender" I said coughing. Laurence made some tea I smelled a slight hint of honey but barely. my eyes were watery and a bit scratchy so are my arms.

"alright I'm going to call Garroth and tell him I'm staying here a little longer, stay and help you" he said and I scratched my arms Laurence grabbed it and I stopped scratching. I took a sip of the tea with honey, then I coughed. "hey Garroth I'm going to have to stay over at Nixie's she's is having a bad allergic reaction to some lavender, I'm limiting her visit's I'll see you later" he said then after a little while he hung up. 

"ok stop scratching, it will make it worse" he stated still holding my hand.

"I can't help it" I wined and sneezed away from him. "I hate having allergies" I said.


I woke up, and I stretched, my throat still hurts my nose is stuffed now. I looked around and saw Laurence sleeping, he crashed here. I stretched again and got out of bed I felt a dizzy, I put my hand on the wall and walked slowly out of my room. I got to the hallway then my ears just blaring a loud high-pitched ringing,I felt like my head was going to explode and my eye's are burning as well. I took another step and missed the stairs and fell to the bottom I'm holding my ear's  and my eye's are closed tight.

Laurence POV~

I heard a loud thump down stairs I got out of bed in a hurry and looked down stairs to see Nixie holding her ear's and had her eye's shut, sitting ageist the wall with her legs close to her chest. I walked down stairs and nealed to her height and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Nixie, what happened?" I asked.

"make it stop" she cried and few tears came down her face.

"Nix, please tell me what's going on let me help you" I said hoping to get threw to her.

"my ear's- high-pitched noise- it hurts" she said. "my eye's- they burn" she continued.

"let's go to the hospital and figure this out" I said. "come on let's get changed before we go" I said and helped her up she's still holding her ear's, I held her waist as we went up the stairs.


"I've never seen her in this much pain, I hate to see her like this" I said to Aph. 'I can't imagine what that feel's like, do you still like her?' she asked. "I don't know but I have to let you go back to work, but thank you for understanding why I won't be there, I'll update you on her condition" I said and hung up.

"hi, I'm Nixie Valkrum's doctor the tumor as came back we got it out, but she may be permanently be blind it's to early to tell. the allergic reaction was a late reaction to werewolves when they have a miscarriage, just keep her away from lavender for 2 weeks you may see her now" the male doctor said then walked away.

I walked in her room she's still sleeping. I sat beside her bed and touched her hand, 'how could she hide her being pregnant from me?' I thought. 'she's in the hospital just reason with her she probably had a good reason why' I continued.

after about an hour she woke up "L-Laurence? W-where am I? I can't see anything" she said and her gold eye color faded a little.

"your in the hospital, the tumor came back that's what was the high-pitched ringing and the burning was. they got the tumor out but you may or may not be bind for the rest of your life" I said and her ears dropped down. "the allergy you had was a late reaction to the miscarriage, ya didn't you tell my you were pregnant?" I asked her.

"I was going to tell you that 9 day period where I couldn't change into my werewolf form that was because I was pregnant, then you broke up with me I didn't know what to do or if I should tell you" she said and I held her close to me. "I told Kawaii~Chan over the phone and Aaron found out no one else knows, I'm sorry I didn't tell you" she said.

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