# 13

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Nixie POV~

"Nixie Aphmau is out sick, I need you to play Juliet and it will make my play a little different with a werewolf" Katelyn practically begged. "please Nixie, I'll help you pick out dresses for the brides made thing" she said.

"yes, I'll play Juliet just tell Travis it would be awkward, and I don't need any help I sent pictures to mom to ind out which dress would be the best, and she like the idea of the girls wearing bows for there favorite colors and they guys were there favorite color tie, next week I'll find a dress" I said and she smiled slightly.

"thank you I hate dress shopping I don't have good taste any way" Katelyn said. I smiled slightly.


Dante, Laurence, Garroth and a few others tried out to be Romeo and Dante got the to be him Garroth is the understudy. "Hey Nixie, you want to practice lines with me?" Date asked.

"sure, let's go then" I said we walked together. 

"you know this is the first time we are actually hanging out" he spoke I looked at him.

"ya, the walk and it's a nice day to walk" I said and looked at the sky.

"so your vision, you were blind at one point and you lost all your other senses in a matter of a few hours, yet your nose and hears still work like before how?" he asked.

"my vision isn't like what it's suppose to be I can barley see in the dark, and as for my hearing and smell I guess they just stay that way, I don't really understand how science works or biology really, I'm still getting use to everything I still got more to learn anyway" I said and I looked at him. "what about you?" I asked and he looked back at me. "why do you want to do this play for starters" I continued.

"I wanted to do something and not just sit around, waiting for time to go by and work I need to do something else" he said. "play is a good start, don't you think?" he asked I nodded. "what about you, why did you do the play? besides Aphmau getting sick and Katelyn needing a female role" he stated.

"Katelyn forced me for starters, and besides planing and finding dresses and learning a little bit more about everything, might as well try something different even if I'm bad at it" I said and Dante smiled.

"that's why were practicing and I can give you tips on acting along with Travis he's been in this play many times" he said.

"ya, he offered that I'm just happy that he's not plying my 'love' that's, that's just weird" I said and we made it to his house. 

Laurence POV~

Nixie, is the man role so is Dante that should have been me. I want that kiss that happened at the Christmas part Aphmau threw, but I don't want it forced like that a real one. "Dude what's going on? you keep zoning out" Travis said.

"sorry" I said. "it's noting, don't mind me" I continued.

"I know that face, I know your not thinking about Aphmau you got over her, who is it?" he asked and he's not going to stop asking ignoring him would make it worse to the point where he's going to guess to see my face. "Kawaii~Chan" he started "Lucinda" I continued to look at him. "Katelyn" I took a bit of my sandwich. "Emmalyn?" I gave him an 'are you serous look' "Nixie?" he asked and I tried my best not to change my expression but I failed. "you like my sister, dude since when?" he asked.

"I don't know when exactly" I said.

"you kissed at Aphmau party" he said and I shrugged.

"I don't know maybe thats when I realized it, that stuff happens all the time" I said and more of my sandwich.

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