# 11

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Few months later

Nixie POV~

"Nixie, do you want to come over to a party were throwing for Christmas" Aphmau said.

"oh cool, what time?" I asked.

"in a few hours, I was going to put this in you mail but you where out here" she said.

"ok, I well I'm going over to the guys house, I can tell them if you want me to" I said and she had a slight smirk on her face.

"going to hang out with Laurence" she sang his name and I gave her 'really' look. "maybe Garroth or Dante" she continued.

"your not going to get my crush out of me that easy Aphmau" I said

"you go over to there house a lot, you must like somebody that lives there minus Travis" she said.

"or I go over to hang out with my brother Travis because we want to brother sister things  by messing with everyone in the house and crushing them at video games" I said smiling.

"ok see ya in a few hours" Aphmau said and I walked over to the guys house and knocked on the door. then Dante opened it "hey Nix, you here to see Laurence?" Dante said and raising his eye brow. 

"no, why does everyone assume I have a crush on someone here, can I please come in before I freeze my tail off" I said, and he let me in.

"because, you prank Laurence out of all of us the most" he said and I crossed my arms.

"you made the cake I made explode" Laurence said and I smiled.

"it tasted awesome though, to bad it was destroyed it was Travis's Idea, I have trouble destroying food" I said and Laurence smiled.

"how hard is it for you not to break window's?" Dante asked.

"really hard, I know werewolves are supost to grow out of that stage where were a teen but I never saw a window and how fun braking windows are till 8 years ago" I said. "also Aphmau is throwing a Christmas party" I said and someone jumped on my back making me fall.

"your suppose to catch me" Garroth said.

"how can I catch you when I can't see you, did Travis put you up to this?" I asked.

"no we did, we got Travis back already by messing with his taco's" Garroth said.

"really fist what you guys did to me is lame and second you don't mess with anyone's taco's" I said pointing to Laurence.

"were not done messing with you" Dante said.

"Garroth can you get off of me your kinda hurting my tail" he said and got off of me I sat and I moved my tail on my lap and started to pet it. "so where's Travis, is he sleeping again?" I asked they nodded, I smiled.

"your an evil sister more evil than mine" Laurence said and I looked at him.

"no, it's fun sibling bonding messing with with Travis" I said and got up and walked down stairs quietly and opened his door then I walked over to his bed he's sleeping. "BOO" I yelled shaking him awake.

"AHH, NIXIE, WHY?" Travis yelled.

"why not" I asked.

"you know your eye's glow slightly in the dark" he said.


"Hey, you made it come in" Aph said and we walked in and some people I knew. I walked around a little and I bumped into someone.

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