Get to know 'PAMILYA'

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Hey everyone Shizuosqueen here! I thought about rewriting this chapter because that it just occurred to me that this chapter was a bit... Uh, how do you say it, a bit cringy. So, I rewrote it, hope you like this one before.

Age: 15
Hair color: Auburn brown
Eye color: Orange
Home: London, England
Likes: Ariana Grande, Photography, Pink, Art, Cute things and Music
Dislikes: Annoying people (Kenneth), waking up early, tardiness and school
Ability or Skill: Nature Magic

A/N: Question. What if Ariana Grande was your sister?
Jessel: Oh my Lord, I don't ever want to wake up ever again.

Jessel is a shy and timid girl, she's the friend that you can always count on and go to for information about recent events. She is a fairy who can use the power of nature. She is weak when she uses combat and weaponry but strong in the arts of magic and healing. She is part of the JDCJ Team and the group' s best healer.

Age: 14
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Home: Iloilo, Philippines
Likes: Goodness, justice, Music, Art, Calligraphy, Photography and God
Dislikes: Misbehave people, noisy people, annoying people, not completing a task and Evil
Ability or Skill: Elysium Magic

A/N: Question. If the world is going to be destroyed, which one would you be with when it happens? With your friends or with your family?
Dexie: Kabudlay na man?! You can't make me choice between them! I rather be with all of them in our final hours in this world than to choice between them.

Dexie is basically the full package, she is the leader of the JDCJ Team, PAMILYA and she is part of the student body of the academy. She is a sorceress but she uses the powers of heaven to bring justice and light onto the world. She isn't good in fighting but she uses her both her magic for support and her intelligence for tactics and strategy.

Age: 15
Hair color: Mocha brown
Eye color: Ocean blue
Home: Malibu, California
Likes: Food, Swimming, Biking, Singing(Sour note), Dancing, Acting and BTS
Dislikes: Annoying people(Kenneth, Ray and Daniel), perverts, Math, periods and bitter things(though she's bitter towards L.O.V.E)
Ability or Skill: Water

A/N: Question. Are you salty or bitter? What is your opinion about love?
Caroline: BITTER!! I AM NOT SALTY! And love for me, is.... THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FOREVER!!

Caroline is the most dramatic person you will ever meet. She is most times moody and most times childish. She is preferred to as the "Squash" in the group because of her saltiness towards love. She is one of the excellent swimmers in the school and is an average student in the field of combat and academics but never average when it comes to KPOP.

Age: 14
Hair color: Charcoal black
Eye color: Golden yellow
Home: London, England
Likes: Anime, Music, Singing, Writing, Drawing, Blades, Acting and Food
Dislikes: Being forgotten, imperfection, late anime(series or manga) updates and annoying people
Ability or Skill: Swordsmanship and Spell casting

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