Chapter 32

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~inside the castle~

The cloak man walked through the dark dungeon halls with only the flame in his hand and his instincts to guide him.

As he walks through the dark halls of the dungeon, he stumbles upon a large metal door. He scanned the area before he cautiously opens the door. Once he opens the door, he witnessed a sickening scene.

A man chained from head to toe, his hair disheveled and covered in dirt, his clothes tattered, his skin bruised and covered with blood and dirt, as his eyes were dull and lifeless.

The cloak man walked towards the chained man and kneel down. As he was about to touch his shoulder, the man grabbed his hand aggressively. He stared at the mysterious man with a deadly gaze as he use his free hand to form a fist and punch the man. He was about to punch him but the man blocked his attack. The chained man growled at him and tried to break free from the man's clutches, the man apparently let go of his hand.

The man stared at the cloak man confused, why didn't he fought back? Why didn't he reacted to his aggressive behavior? Is this part of their plan?

Questions were going about in his mind when suddenly the mysterious man hugged him. He was both shock and confused and as he was about to push him off, he felt tears dropped on his shoulders.

"Finally, I found you.. Brother."

His eyes widen as he recognized the voice of the man. The man release the man and he took off his hood revealing his appearance.

The man gasped as he unconsciously reached up his cold hands and caressed the man's face.

The man smiled at him as a tear escaped his left eye. He wiped away the remaining tears and exhaled.

"Now, let's get you out of these chains and escape this dungeon.."

He took out a crimson red claw and sliced the chains that attached itself to the man's body. Once all the chains were cut off, the black haired man gently grabbed the man's arm as he placed it on his shoulder and loop his other arm around his torso to support him. As they walked through the halls, they heard footsteps and a light coming towards them.

They went to the other path to conceal themselves in the darkness as they waited for the person to disappear. As footsteps and the light disappeared, they quicken their steps as they reached a secret path hidden behind the walls.

As they reached the end of the path, they saw a waterfall concealing the entrance of the cave. The once chained man lets go of the man and sat down on a rock.

The raven reached into his cape and grabbed a pouch then handed it to the man.

"Here. It will help get your strength back.." He said as he opened the pouch to reveal fruits and berries.

The man grabbed the pouch and started eating as if he hasn't seen food for years. The raven chuckled at the man as he eyes the waterfall. When the man finished eating, the raven turned to the man then a bright light surrounded his body.

Then all of a sudden, a crimson red dragon flew through the waterfall with the man on his back as they flew into the night sky.

"I mustn't go back to the isles just yet.."

The dragon glanced up to the man and snorted.

"I understand. I know a place where you can be safe.."


Rays of the sun shine across the land, birds singing their sweet songs, the morning dew glistening on the grass. Mornings always represent the start of a beautiful day unless you are a student in Bayani Academia.

Where mornings are either filled with cramming for exams or rushing to class which is one of those days. Students rushing around the halls to get to their classes, the group were running down the halls as the bell chimed.

"Shit, we're late!!" Ray cursed.

"Don't give up, just keep running." Dexie said as she ran faster.

"Dexie, be careful!" Jessel said as she tries to keep up with the others.

As they ran across the hallways, they reached the school garden and saw that class hasn't begun yet.

"Phew! We made it!" Caroline exclaimed.

"Tell me about it..." Ray panted.

The group sat on one of the benches to regain their energy. After a few minutes, Percival arrived.

"Good morning, students." He greeted.

"Good morning, Sir Ezron."

He looked around and spotted the student dragokin.

"Joahna!" He called.

"Yes sir?" Joahna said.

"The headmaster would like to see you in his office." He informed.

Everyone gasped and started to whisper amongst each other. Joahna blinked multiple times to register what Percival said.

"Ohhh, Joahna you're in trouble." Kenneth teased.

"What did you do to got yourself in trouble?" Gwyn asked.

"I didn't even know.." Joahna said confused.

"Maybe its something that happened before?" Jessel said.

"Or maybe... It has something to do with what happened with Orion at the clinic!" Caroline exclaimed.

"Ugh, that happened two months ago?" Dexie acknowledged.

"Oh right." Caroline chuckled embarrassingly.

Gwyn sighed and Joahna chuckled.

"Well, I better go to the headmaster's office then.." Joahna said as she gathered her stuff and Atlas jumped onto her shoulder.

"See you guys later.." She said walking off.

"Bye!" Sita waved her off.

"Be strong, Joahna!" Kenneth said crying fake tears.

"We will not forget you!" Ray exclaimed also crying fake tears.

The group sweat dropped at the two boys.

"You guys sounded like that she's going to die!" Anjela said.

"Wait, she isn't?"

"Kenneth! Raymond!" Dexie exclaimed.

"We're just kidding!"


Joahna walked down the halls to the headmaster's office. Theories and questions kept popping into her mind about why the headmaster wants to see her.

She was engrossed in her thoughts that she passed the office, Atlas poked her in the cheek multiple times until she snapped out of her thoughts.

She scanned her surroundings and sighed. She scratched the back of her head and went to the door. She took a deep breath then went inside. Once she got inside, she saw a figure sitting on of the chairs in front of the headmaster.

"Ah Joahna, glad that you came. Someone is here to see you." The headmaster said.

Joahna raised an eyebrow then the figure took off his hood and revealed his charcoal black hair and golden amber eyes.

"Hello, my little dragon lily.."

He said with a warm smile.

Joahna's jaw dropped as Atlas ran to the man.


To be continued...

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