Chapter 9

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~one week later~

All of the students in the Junior level along with their pets, are in front of the entrance to the enchanted forest for their Beast Taming class.

The heroic group sat at a gazebo waiting for their teacher while their pets were playing with one another.

"Why are we taking our class in a forest?! Its too hot!" Caroline whined.

"Will you stop whining Anderson! That's the fifth time this afternoon. You're not the only one that's complaining!" Gwyn snapped at Caroline, feeling the afternoon heat has well.

Caroline shut her mouth and kept quiet. After a while their teacher arrived and the whole class gathered.

"Good afternoon students. Sorry if I'm late, I have to take care of some important matters. Now, if you would follow me." Percival guided his students inside the forest.

~inside the enchanted forest~

The class along with their pets, settled at a grove of trees. While their teacher was doing something, the entire class chatted with their friends, on their phones or playing games.

On the other hand, the heroic group settled underneath the cool shade of a willow tree. Their pets playing with each other while some settled beside their masters.

"I can't wait to find out what sort of creature we're learning today! What if its a 'Billywig' or a 'Graphorn' or maybe a 'Fwooper'! I can't wait!"

Joahna said ecstatic raising her fist in the air while Atlas was on her shoulder imitating her.

"Yay, new friends!"

Atlas giggled and Gwyn rolled her eyes at the two same goes for her cat and said.

"Joahna, you maybe older than any of us and you act like a mother in any type of situation but when it comes to animals, you act like a child."

Silence filled the air for a moment, then all of a sudden a dangerous aura began to engulf the atmosphere surrounding the group.

The entire class shivered at the sudden change and their pets scurried inside their owner's bags, some hid behind their masters or up on the trees. Joahna glance at Gwyn with a murderous eye.

"You said something Gwyn?"

Joahna said in a menacing tone while Atlas was growling and snarling, showing his fangs and his eyes glowing dangerously.

Gwyn hid behind Daniel grinning nervously and held her hands up in a defensive manner while her cat hid inside her bag.

"Don't kill me..." Gwyn said nervously.

Joahna glared at Gwyn in a murderous gaze and Gwyn kept using Daniel has a human shield.

"Hey, don't use my body has a shield!" Daniel said not looking at the murderous gaze of the dragokin and his pet owl scurried to the safety of the tree.

Then a thought came to the brunette.

He stared at the raven and shivered has she walked towards them. Gwyn clutched his shoulder tighter has the practically now dangerous dragon duo came nearer.

Has Daniel and Joahna were centimeters apart, Daniel immediately blurted.

"Hey, doesn't that creature look similar to a monkey?"

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