Chapter 26

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Reina POV

We clashed and fought left to right. The pirates got kicked, punched and slashed us but we kept evading their attacks.

That is until they got us surrounded.

"Remember the plan.. We have to stall for time until Jessel and the others get here with Wilder." I whispered.

"That's going to be a piece of cake." Anak (Anak is the Filipino term of child and its what I sometimes call Joevic) said with a smirk.

"Easy for you to say!" Anjela snarled.

"Come on! Come at me!" Nicole gestured one of the pirates to come at her.

That idiot, she has no idea what she got herself into.

"Very well then.." One of the pirates said and he swing his sword at her.

Good thing she dodged it.

"Hey, I wasn't ready!"

"Will you focus please?!" Gwyn said getting annoyed.

"Okay, okay. Sorry!" She said.

I rolled my eyes at her and I was able to see one of them about to swing their sword at me.

I kicked the sword away and gave him a jab to the stomach and kicked him making him hit the wall.

But it was no use since they still got us surrounded. They chuckled and played with their swords in an effort to taunt us.

One of the pirates was about to slash me but I stepped to the right and Joevic blasted him making him hit the wall and his clothes singed.

I snorted as Anjela punched the second pirate in the gut. One of them was pointing two guns at us. We gasped and he chuckled.


Gwyn held out her sword then the pirate's guns were then turned to pieces. She smirked as she saw the confused and stupid look the pirate had before she cast a spell that sent him flying out the window.

The other pirates advanced and we fought them side by side, seems like it was them that got surrounded and not us.

When we beat the crew, we turned to the captain as he stared at us with a blank expression.

"It's over Captain Troy! Give up and give us back the blossom." I said.


He then started laughing like a maniac and I stared at him confused.

"What's so funny, pirate?!" Gwyn glared at him.

"Silly, kids! I'm not defeated that easily.."

He said as he took out a wooden box from his satchel and put the blossom inside then put the box and the orb inside the satchel.

He put the satchel down and took out a blue crystal from his coat pocket and placed it around his neck.

I stared in confusion when all of a sudden a water torpedo went passed me and shot Joevic.

All of us turned around to see Joevic hit the wall and fell unconscious. We then turned to see Troy smirking that annoying smirk.

"You bastard, you're going to pay for that!" Anjela said as she charged at him with an iron fist (literally an iron fist).

The crystal around his neck glowed blue, he stepped to the side then blasted her with water and she hit the wall, hard.


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