Chapter 14

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~at the Alcepius Hospital~

We were in the Waiting Room at the academy hospital, 'Alcepius Hospital'.

Sir Michaelis, Sir Ezron, the professor and the headmaster already left cause of responsibilities that they need to attend to.

And that's where the gang came.

"So? What was it?" Reina asked.

"It was an 'occamy'." Gwyn answered.

The group looked confused. I wouldn't blame them though, Neither I know what an occamy is.

"What's an 'occamy'?" Dexie asked.

I really don't know what an occamy is actually. Joahna usually is the one who answers those types of questions but she's with the occamy right now, but we know someone that is also knowledgeable about this sort of stuff.

We turned to Pader(I only use his surname not his first name), he looked at us and sighed.

"I know what you guys are thinking and no I don't know what an occamy is." Pader bluntly said.

"Awe, come on Pads! You must know!" Reina said trying to persuade him to tell us.

"I'm serious, I don't know what it is! You can't always rely on me and Joahna to know about these things." Pader said.

Yeah, he was right about that...

An hour has passed, we saw Joahna walking towards us. She had a tired expression on her face has she yawned.

"Hey, Joahna!" Daniel greeted her first.

"Hey.." She lazily said.

She must be really tired, then let's help bring her energy back shall we?

"You look really tired.." Sita said.

"Isn't it obvious? I've been trying to calm him down for an hour now.." Joahna yawned and sat lazily on a chair.

"Was it really that scared?" I said.

"He wasn't at first but when he saw the needle, he came down right panicking.." Joahna said almost dozing off.

Wait, an occamy that is scared of needles?! Now that isn't what you see or hear every day!

"A dragon that is scared of needles, huh? Now that I gotta see!" Joevic said.

"You will do no such thing!" Sita said smacking him in the head.

"Hey! That hurts you know!" The man child(that's what I refer to him)said rubbing his head.

I laughed one of my crazy laughs and Sita looked at me like 'WTF?!'. That's when I remembered something.

"Hey Joahna, what's an occamy?" I didn't hear an answer from her.

Maybe she didn't hear me? Well that's rare.

"Joahna didn't you hear me? I said what's an occamy-"

When I turned around to face her, she was asleep on the chair.

'Are you kidding me?!' I thought.

And it seemed that the others also noticed that she fell asleep.

"She fell asleep? She must be really exhausted then huh?" Anjela said.

I grinned mischievously, I took out a marker from my pocket and has I was about to draw something on her face. She grabbed my hand and the sudden contact made me drop the marker.

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