Chapter 3

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Has the four girls strolled down the pathway to the Dragon house, they spotted four teens walking down the same path.

The first person was a girl with chestnut brown hair tied into a low ponytail. She had onyx brown eyes, she wore a purple sweater jacket, black jeans and black shoes. She carries a gray trolley suitcase and a shoulder bag on her shoulder.

The second teen was another girl. She had a chubby frame, frizzy blonde hair and honey brown eyes. She wore a pink floral dress with pink shoes and her face was littered with makeup. She carries a red trolley suitcase and a lavender purse bag.

The third one was another girl with short dark blue hair and green emerald eyes. She wore a white plain shirt, black shorts and violet sneakers. She carried a black suitcase and a pink backpack that was hanging on her shoulder.

The last one was a chubby, tanned boy and he had gray eyes. He wore a black hat with the capital 'P', that covered his hair, he wore a dark green shirt, brown pants and black shoes. He had a light gray trolley suitcase and a big green backpack.


Caroline rushed towards them in a high pitch voice and slammed her body against the blue haired girl.

"Gah! Caroline, what the hell?!" The blue haired girl, 'Reina' exclaimed angrily at the brunette. Caroline jumped back a bit and smiled. "Sorry!"

Reina gave her an annoyed expression while Caroline kept smiling then the others finally reached the group.

"Grandfather.." Gwyn greeted with a blank expression.

"Granddaughter.." The boy also shared the same expression.

"How are you today?" Gwyn asked blankly.

"I'm fine, thank you." He responded solemnly.

"Hey Kenneth!" Joahna walked towards them.

"Hey Jo!" Kenneth greeted the raven cheerfully.

"Hey Berge!"

The ponytailed brunette exclaimed.

"Hey!" Jessel waved at her.

"Jessel!" Reina exclaimed and hugged her.

"I miss you!!"

"I miss you too, Rein.." Jessel said giggling a bit.

"Hello Nicole, how are you?" Gwyn asked the blonde.

The blonde shook her head and dramatically flail her arms in the air.

"Terrible. Just, terrible! My mascara is now ruined!!" She exclaimed.

"It doesn't look THAT ruined to me." Caroline said examining her face.

"Maybe you're just over exaggerating, Nicole.." Joahna said.

"You're the one over exaggerating!"

"That doesn't even make sense.." Joahna said.

"Your face doesn't make sense!"

Joahna rolled her eyes and proceeded to ignoring her then turned to Kenneth. "What house are you guys in?" She asked Kenneth.

"Dragon House."

"Really?! So are we!" Caroline exclaimed.

"Guess we're house mates then huh?" Kenneth chuckled.

"Guess so.." Gwyn said with a smile.

"But will we still be classmates?" Jessel asked.

"That, I don't know.." Joahna said.

"Will talk about this later, right now let's get going." Gwyn said then the others nodded and kept walking down the path.

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