Chapter 21

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Its the final day of the tournament. The crowds began to flood the stadium with cheers and yells.

"Yes! Its finally over!" Caroline exclaimed.

"It's not yet over when we don't know who's the winner, idiot!!" Daniel said.

"Who you calling an idiot, huh? Idiot!" Caroline retorted.

"You of course!" Daniel retorted back.

The two brunettes bickered back and forth, calling each other names and insulting one another.

The gang shook their heads and turned their attention away from the bickering duo.

"I can't wait to see who'll win." Dexie said.

"That's easy, the dragon house will come out on top!" Sita said.

"Of course it will be the dragon house! Because I'm here!" Nicole bragged.

"Yeah right!" Dexie said.

"Oi! Its starting!" Reina exclaimed.

The gang soon turned their attention to the arena.

"Welcome to the last day of the tournament!" Zachariah exclaimed.

The crowds roared across the arena.

"For the last day, we're going to pull all the stops! Today is a battle of three and a battle of strength, speed, and ferocity." Lenora said.

"But we're going to mix it up. Instead of all the teams playing in the last event, only four teams will compete.." Zachariah announced.

Everyone gasped in shock. The roaring crowd began muttering whispers to each other.

"Are you serious?!" Caroline exclaimed.

"That means our team has to make it to the top four teams in order to compete in the last event?" Sita asked.

"Seems like..." Dexie said unsure.

The others nodded and hoped for the best.

"Is everyone ready?!"

The crowds screamed and yelled at the top of their lungs.

"Well then, let the tournament begin!" Zachariah said.

"First up, we have Jojie
Pedarer, Michael Pilages and Justin Budaño from the Phoenix team!"

They came out and waved at the audience.

"Next, from the Dragon team we have, Joevic Onte, Anjela Steel and Elijah Villarina!"

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