Chapter 20

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Kenneth POV

We were in the arena watching the tournament. I can't wait to see who's going next.

"Welcome to the third day of the grand battle tournament!" Sir Michaelis exclaimed.

"For today we have an all out Battle in the sky and a battle of teamwork!" Miss Beezlebee said.

Battle in the sky? Battle of teamwork? Maybe today we'll have an aerial battle and a team battle?

I wasn't sure what kind of team battle but I was 100% sure about the aerial battle.

"Here are our challengers!" Sir Michaelis said.

I wonder who is going to represent our team for the aerial battle? But I have someone in mind.

"Isn't that Ray?!" Reina exclaimed.


All of us exclaimed and we looked down and saw that it was Ray.

Ha! I was right. It was Ray!

Let's just hope he's ready for this cause if he isn't, I'm going to summon a giant dog after him!

"Challengers! Take to the skies and let's begin the battle!" Miss Beezlebee said.

Platforms began floating above the stadium and the battle began.

I wasn't paying attention much attention to the battle unlike the others, I was busy looking at my phone.

When I heard the others gasped, I turned to Jessel and tapped her shoulder.

"What?" She said.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Oh it was nothing. We thought Ray got knocked out because we saw him got hit by one of the players." She said.

"Well? Did he or did he not?!" I asked.

"Like I said we just thought he did because he got hit by one of them.." She said and turned away to watch the match.

I gave her a sarcastic look and mimicked the way she said then I laughed.

She turned to look at me then she slapped my shoulder and I laughed even harder.

I put my phone back in my pocket finally bored with it and finally watched the fight.

Soon afterwards, it came to three of them. Bion (that's what I call him) and two other players that I forgot their names.

They fought and fought when the third one got knocked out. Then they were two of them left.

Now that I think of it, I remember the second player.

Wait, that's Michael Pilages!

Michael Pilages, he has brown mahogany hair, dark brown eyes and mocha skin. He is one of the academy jocks and that he's a ladies man. I forgot he also has wind powers just like Bion.

This is getting interesting...

They chased each other through the sky and countered each other's attacks. When I thought it was getting exciting, Bion fell to the ground, meaning he got eliminated.

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