Chapter 29

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~at night~

A shield surrounded the entire academy grounds, all the students and teachers are already asleep.

Three men stood outside the shield and one of the men took out two blades and sliced a small portion of the shield and they went inside.

Once they got inside, they went to the computer room and one of the men was typing something on the computer.

The computer screen showed a map of the entire building. They printed out the map and went out of the room.

They followed the map and they reached their destination, the Grand Hall.

They stood in front of the hidden path to the grand hall. The man holding the map smirked then folded the map and put it in his coat.

"X always marks the spot.."

The men chuckled as the wall covering the path disappeared and they stepped inside.

When they step inside the path, one of them turned to a halt stopping the other two.

He took out a pebble from his coat pocket and threw it to the center.

The marble then got crushed by something big. They stared at the creature in the shadows as it revealed itself.

It was a mechanical bull that was alive and charging at them. They dodged, the two men took out their weapons and charged at the bull and last man went ahead to the grand hall while the other two stalled the bull.

He went inside and was greeted by a black armored samurai. The man took out his sword and triton then charged at the samurai.

Metal clashing and the samurai gave the man cuts and bruises all over his upper torso. The man grunted in pain but kept fighting.

They fought long and hard when eventually the man stabbed the samurai in the chest and the armored samurai evaporated into dust.

The man smirked in victory and went to claim his price, he opened one of the glass cases and took his price. He stared at it and smiled mischievously.

"You're a true beauty eh? Ehehehehee.."

He grinned evilly and walked away.

He spotted an orange glow and saw the orange orb inside the other glass case and took it as well.

He stepped outside the room and he saw that the two men defeated the mechanical bull as the bull was torn into pieces.

"Let's get a move on.." He said.

The men nodded and followed their leader as they went out of the building and stepped out of the hole that they created.

Once all of them stepped outside the forcefield and it closed.

The men chuckled evilly and disappeared into the night.

~in the morning~

The students were rushing to their classes and the gang were running in the halls to get to their Beast Taming Class.

"Shit, we're running late!"

Ray was running really fast while Zahak was doing his best to hold onto his master's bag.

"If we didn't had to wait for Nicole, Sita and Caroline, we wouldn't be late." Jessel said trying to catch up with the others.

"Well sorry! We wanted to retouch our beautiful faces and you can't rushed beauty." Nicole said defending herself.

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