Chapter 15

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~two months later~

Two months had passed since the occamy incident and everyone is preparing for the biggest and most adrenaline pumping event of the year.

The Grand Battle Tournament.

Each year the academy holds this event to help students improve and learn in the battle field. The tournament is one of the many traditions that the school must uphold.

Teams are decided in households of the school, one team is chosen in each house to compete in the tournament. In each team there are eight people that are chosen to compete for each house.

The entire morning all of the students were summoned by their housemasters to plan for this year's tournament.

The dragon house students are at the main hall, they were called by their headmaster to discussed who would be in the dragon house team.

"Alright, I want all of you to write in a piece of paper the names of those you want to compete in this year's grand battle tournament and drop them in this box." Percival said showing the box and place it on the table.

They nodded and all of them started to write down their chosen teams.

"I'm going to put Jessel's name!" Anjela said.

"Don't you even dare!" Jessel said.

"I was just kidding, Berge!"

Anjela teasingly nudged Jessel's shoulder. Jessel on the other hand wasn't in the mood.

"I'm going to put Ray's name." Joevic said.

"Joevic, don't even do it!" Ray said.

"Too late, I already wrote it down." The tall boy grinned at the small boy beside him.

"You bastard!" He growled at the redhead and he laughed.

Ray's eye twitched and then an idea came to him. "Two can play it that game!" He said and wrote down Joevic's name has well.

"There! Now your name is going in the slot!" He grinned at the boy.

"Oh come on!" The redhead whined.

"HA! You're fault for writing down my name." Ray said.

"Can the both of you have your 'lovers quarrel' someplace else?" Gwyn said and the two growled at her.

"Fuck off, Madolche!"

After a few minutes, the students finished writing and dropped them in the box. Percival grabbed the box and went out of the room.

"So? Who did you guys chose?" Jessel said.

"I chose Michael, John, Dominic, Joahna, and Reina for team A while I chose Gwyn, Eichra, Alyssa, Joevic and Christopher for team B!" Anjela said.

"Are you completely bonkers?!" Gwyn exclaimed.

"What? What's so wrong with that?" Anjela asked.

"I can't go up against the other teams! I'm too weak!" Gwyn exclaimed.

"Gwyn, you're not weak.. You're stronger than you know." Sita said.

"Have you lost the plot!? I'm completely weak!" Gwyn exclaimed even louder.

The gang looked at her surprised of what she said.

"I mean, Sita you can freeze anything or anyone with a single touch, Jessel can get rid of dark magic with a dash of her fairy dust, Caroline can control the entire ocean, Daniel can disgust himself has anyone and he's an excellent marksman, Ray can control the air we breath, Joevic can control the fire around us, Dexie and Kenneth are one of the smartest magic users I've ever known, Reina can beat up an entire group in least than five minutes, and don't get me started on Joahna..."

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