Green Day Sucks Balls By The Way

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I snuck into my music room through the back entrance and taught myself every love song I could think of and relate to. My favorite by far was Tattooed Heart by Ariana Grande. I learned it on piano and I couldn't stop playing it.

I went to bed when I was sure Dad wasn't in the living room anymore. I slept like a rock and woke up late. I asked Mom if it was ok if I went over to the guys' house she told me that my curfew had been lowered to nine but I had to call if I was going to be out past eight. I was really happy and hugged her before walking outside and to the woods.

I spent the whole day at the Ross-Smith-Stump house and beat everyone at video games except for Spencer at Mario Kart. (Dude is the frickin' master of Rainbow Road. They should rename it Spencer Kart). I stayed there until around seven because I didn't want to push my new curfew. Ryan walked me to the end of the path and kissed me goodbye before I walked up the street back to my house.

When I got home found that my parents had ordered pizza and were picking out a movie to watch. I joined them and we ended up watching Spirited Away. After it finished, I led them downstairs to play them some of the songs I had learned the night before. It turned out that I had learned their song, so I played on both acoustic guitar and piano for them.

We all went to bed after that and I dreamt about having a bunch of those little black blob things from Spirited Away as my pets. I woke up to my alarm clock screeching and got up and took a shower after having coffee with Mom. I walked to the woods and rang the doorbell that I noticed for the first time that day.

Tyler answered the door. "Hello. How may we help you?"

"Uh, I would like to enter the house," I said.

"Why are you here this early?" Josh asked from behind Tyler.

"I could ask you two the same thing," I said, folding my arms across my chest.

"We stayed the night," Tyler said.

"Now answer our question," Josh said.

"I got up early so I could come here early," I said. "Now can I enter the house?"

They looked at each other before looking back at me. "No," they said simultaneously before closing the door in my face.

I huffed and walked around the house to the back door because they almost always leave it open. I stood outside the door frame and said, "Thought you could fool me?"

"No," Josh said before closing the back door and locking it. I could hear them laughing at me through the door as I sat down on the porch steps and sighed. I sat there for a while before I heard someone unlock and open the door. I turned around and looked up to see Ryan.

"Hi," I said.

"Hey," he said as he sat down next to me.

I leaned over and kissed him before asking, "Has your morning been good so far?"

"Yeah, I guess," he said. "How about you?"

"Eh, it was ok. I could have gone without being locked out of your house by Josh and Tyler."

"They locked you out?" he asked, looking at me.

"Yeah, why else would I be sitting on your back porch without any kind of real coat in the beginning of December?"

"Uh, yeah, sorry about that. Do you want to come inside?"

"Nah, I'm going to sit out here and take in the crisp autumn air while I can."

"Really?" he asked before standing up.

"No, of course not." I stood up next to him. "Is Pete making waffles this morning?"

Sugarcane Chronicles Volume I: One and Lonely (ryden)Where stories live. Discover now