About being Secretive

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1 Week Later
"Pass me the code though." I ask Melvin who is distracted by his phone, as usual. We are in the house's office trying to get hold of some security breech at the CIA headquarters with an important hacking tool Melvin built. We can only get to one source of the agency, but I'm trying to hack it to get to Alice and contact her. She's been MIA since September and something is not right. 

"So tell me again why we not telling Chris, or the rest of the crew?" Melvin asks as he takes my computer to type some codes. I twirl a bit in the chair in front of him.

"Melv, I told you...Chris is too emotional right now, and well the rest; I just need to do this alone before telling the rest. Just, help me contact her." I say a little nervous. I hate keeping secrets, but I have to do this. Melvin does his computer-nerdy-magic things and hacks the CIA for a couple of minutes. It is something kind of impossible to do, but after working with them and doing illegal things, this is nothing. 

"Here, you have five minutes before the CIA locks it and possibly finds us and kills us." He says casually giving me my laptop back. Yeah, no pressure here Melvin. I quickly search for agents with Alice's last name. I run through the list and find nothing. I quickly then click on a software that locates any employers of the CIA worldwide. I search for Washington D.C headquarters, and find her ID. I use my phone to take a picture of the ID. 

"Connect your device real quick, I got her ID." I ask Melvin. He knows how to locate people based on where they have scanned in the building for the past 24hrs. He clicks and types faster than his car can change from neutral to nitro. He sighs. "Uh she hasn't been in headquarters for the past 24hrs..."

"Shit. Okay, looks like she has a new phone. Says it here on her file." I say leaning over to look at the computer screen. "Pull up the network hack from D.C."

"Are you crazy? Give me the laptop. It's likely this won't work but give me." He says and I hand it to him. We only have like three minutes left. Damn Alice, where the hell did you go?

"What you doing?"

"Hacking their camera software from the outside..." He clicks. "Ima try and search for her face. Trying to see the last time she entered and left the building."

"And this helps how?...We have like three minutes left." I say as he keeps clicking.

"Just trust-...Got her. She exited the building last week, after Christmas. She hopped into a...shit the car plaque is blocked." Melvin clicks on that computer like he playing a game. He wants to find the number to the car plaque. 

"Melvin you got 20 seconds." I say anxiety kicking in.

"Hook up my computer to the software, try to unlock the D.C. cameras." He says and I don't know how to do that. All I know is basic computer code; I don't know how to de-code public cameras yet, especially the CIA freakin' headquarters.

"Uh..que?" (what?) I say clueless. We are running out of time.10 seconds.

"Give me." He starts typing all this stuff into his computer and then back to mine, and then back to his, and then, back to mine again. 5seconds. "Delta leaves alpha, no, delta is." He mumbles uncontrollably, and I really am lost, but I am certain we can't do anymore. 

"Shut it off." I say as we run out of time. He shuts the hacking tool down. He breathes hard. I rub the temples of my heads anxiously. This was way too risky to work, I should've known, but hey, at least we tried.

"I didn't get it. I need access to those cameras and bet, we can find her instantly."

Eve suddenly barges in the office. "You guys want-" She stops and looks at our faces of disappointment. "What's the problem?"

"Nothing, just discussing the fact that Deckard is nowhere to be found." Melvin says, being discreet about mentioning anything in relation to Alice. Eve walks in the office and frowns.

"I know, I know. Don't worry Rosie." She says rubbing my hand. "But anyway, who wants to accompany me to see a movie tonight?"

"Sorry Eve, I have to decorate the backyard for the new years party tomorrow." I say looking down at my phone and then up at her. 

"I'm in." Melvin says closing his laptop.

"Really?!" Eve says with excitement. Melvin puts his laptop and other devices inside his backpack.

"Anything for you Eve, you know that." Melvin says looking up to her and smiling. Eve touches his arm with excitement.

"You are the best." She says before leaving the room. "Meet you outside in ten, okay?" She says closing the door. I twirl in my chair and look at Melvin suspiciously.

"Wow, anything for you Eve." I say sugar coating the fact that they have been relatively close these past months and haven't told me anything. 

"Don't push it." He says annoyed.

"What happened to Maggie, hm?" I ask curious. I thought they had a thing in the summer.

"We sort of drifted apart. Plus, she's always busy and lives on the other side of Miami." He says and I'm still squinting my eyes after what just happened with Eve. These two are just all of a sudden really good friends.

"Rosie, stop. Eve...is...different, you know?" He says before leaving. "Go decorate or something." 

"Bye, enjoy the movie." I say. I turn my laptop off and head to the backyard to help Mom and Eliza set up for New Years Eve tomorrow night. There really isn't much to decorate, it's not like a lot of people showing up anyway; Sean and his family, Melvin and his mother, and possibly, some of Chris's. friends. Oh, and Susan, who I haven't seen all day.

"Where's Susan?" I ask Mom as I tape balloons around the photo-booth section. It can't be a 21st century party without a photo-booth.

"She went out to eat with an old friend of hers. What was her name, Ely?" Mom asks Eliza while setting up lights around the patio area of the house.

"Georgina...something." Eliza responds walking over to help me place the shining decorations around the wall of the photo-booth. "By the way Rosie, Simmons called me. He told me where they are keeping Owen in case Eve wanted to visit him." 

"Have you told Eve?" I ask, concentrated on making sure the balloons don't look disorganized.

"No. Should I?" She stares at me with her big blue eyes. She is so pretty. Eve looks more like Owen, but I can see the resemblance between her and Eliza.

"I mean, the last time she saw him she shot him." I say sarcastically but Eliza just stares at me serious. "I mean, she has been going to rehab. She is becoming very strong."

"I know. The whole experience in the summer definitely changed her. She was so stubborned before and full of anger."

"It's a Shaw thing."  I say with a low laugh.  "But seriously, ask her if she wants to see Owen. Deep down that is her father."

"See Owen? Where?" Susan says coming out to through the glass doors.

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