Unleash The Beast Before 12:00

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"Rosie? Do you know where he is?" Susan asks astonished. I look at Eliza, anxiously. I don't know if she wants me to tell Susan, or?

"Yeah. Simmons called this morning." Eliza says calmly. Susan looks offended.

"And not me? The mother? Psh." She says walking over to help us finish the photo-booth section. "Incredible. Just incredible." 

"Owen is in Los Angeles. I think I should tell Eve, but I don't know." Eliza says worried as she passes me a strip of tape and I hang up another balloon.

"I will take her then. I need to talk to Owen. He has gone over his head. First, working with an unclassified company, doing who knows what across the globe, then with Ralph and then, seeking revenge for his death. Where did I go wrong?" She says frustrated.  

"How did you find out about him working for that technology hacking company? " I ask skeptically. Last time I checked, the CIA and the MI6 had that under very strict investigation, guess not.

"I know everything darling." She says and now I am thrown off. She knows everything? I hate to be suspicious, but Susan has something going on that she isn't telling us. I've always felt a little unsure of who she was. She is a great grandmother, but she just knows and does a lot of things. Like who has an underground tunnel stretching from their house to the woods for "safety"? And how did she know I was working for a secret agency when I showed up to her house last summer? Questions linger through my mind as I continue to help.

Next Day

New Year's Eve has always been the worst time for me these past years. It was always either alone or in LA with Ralph. I never wanted to go to England because I never was really that close to Susan. One time, like three years ago, Deckard was home and he, Chris, and I flew out to LA to spend it with Ralph. It was horrible obviously, but Chris and I were curious little teens and we just went around the house taking pictures and videos of random shit like we had nothing to do. We also placed traps for the service to fall in because we were so bored. It was in nights like that Chris and I found ourselves closer than we have ever been. We truly realized we only had each other.

Things have changed these past months though, he hasn't been himself and it terrifes me. It is a few minutes before 11:00 when I go outside, in metallic shiny pants, a dark blue tank top and grey high heels. Eve picked the outfit and I think it looks too not-Rosie-appropriate but Sean has been all over it so I don't mind.

"Gorge-." Eve says as I give her a smile when I walk out, she takes her phone and snaps a pic. 

"I'm hopping off these high heels and putting my chucks on." I mumble sarcastically.

"Do it and I'll throw them away while you sleep." She says but her accent makes it non-threatening. I laugh as I walk to sit next to Chris in one of the chairs by the pool. I see that he is all alone. 

"Hey bro." I say sitting down. I lean my arm on him and my head finds his shoulder to rest on. "Mom went all out. The first actual party after the summer chaos!" He remains inanimate. "Chris I'm trying to talk to you." Go he can be so repugnant sometimes.

"I'm not in the mood." He says in hateful tone staring straight ahead to the pool. I know what's wrong, Alice hasn't texted him or something and he is taking it on the world. Seriously, everyone is so afraid to come up and talk to him because they feel like he is just going to release the beast or something. Except Mom, he talks to her, her only.

"Wow... I'm over here expecting you to 'bring the drinks out with your boys' or something. Where's our Chris?" I say shocked. I sit up straight after I realize he is ignoring me and see that Melvin, Sean and Eve are making their way over.

"What's up?" Sean says sitting on the chair next to ours.

"I don't know. Chris is still crying over Alice." I say a little too harsh and in an instant, everything happens quick, but I end up in the pool, the cold, cold pool. "Fuck you!" I scream as I find my way to the surface. He picked me up, and with my cute outfit and all, threw me in the pool.

"Why can't everyone leave me the fuck alone?!" Chris yells with a threatening tone as he walks and storms inside the house. The guests are startled. Everyone goes quiet, only the music plays. 

"What is going on here?" Mom says leaving the food section. Sean and Eve help me out of the pool and I take my heels off and quickly, irritated of course,  walk towards Chris inside the house. He's going to get a piece of me, I'm tired of his damn attitude. I've been putting up these months because, okay I get it, Alice damn near disappeared on us, but right now, I am angry.

"You know what Chris? It's not our fucking fault that Alice left . Stop being a pussy ass nigga and accept the fact that she's gone-" I scream, following him around the house's hallway to the kitchen. Sean is trying to stop me.

"Rosie! Stop cursing, God." Mom says from behind. "Both of you, in the living room. Now." I ignore her and run towards Chris. He stops and looks at me.

"I'm being a pussy? Maybe try digging deeper than that. Or we are going to pretend you are not trying to hack the CIA to find Deckard?" He says and I am infuriated to the point of disaster.  With all the adrenaline I have,  I kick him in the stomach and aim to punch his face. He stops my punch, but I then aim another kick, this time to the face and I am successful. Once I do, he recovers quickly and picks me up, and walks to the living room while I kick his back with my feet, and slams me on the couch. I get one of my heels and as he walks away, I throw it at him. Hits him right in the head. He turns around but Mom stops him.

"You have lost your mind! Both of you!" She says as I sit on the couch, water dripping from my hair and my clothes. I just shake my legs, anger consuming me. "Give us some time." She tells Melvin, Sean and Eve as they watch. They walk away, silently.

"I am not about to live a life with my kids showing such hate like this. You two are too grown for me to even say anything. "

"I just want Chris back. He's been acting so pathetic." I say rinsing the water from my hair. My makeup must be a mess.

"We'll discuss that later. But you missy? Hacking the CIA? Rosie, what I said about that agent and fast life? It only brings problem. I am not letting you go to jail. First Deckard, now you?"

"She's just like him. Always wants things her way without asking what anybody thinks." Chris spits. In a wave of shock I aggressively say. 

"Okay, first of, I'm hacking the CIA to find Alice for you. But you're so fucking caught up with anger and hate that you don't see the good shit anybody does. Grow the fuck up, you dropped out of the military because you are weak. Sorry Mom, but Chris needs to gather his stuff before he even thinks of talking to me again. Let me go change." I stand up and grab one of the pair of heels I threw at Chris and walk away from the living room and up the stairs.

I am so fed up with Chris and now he has exposed my plan to the rest. He made me look like a liar in front of my friends like a fucker. I honestly don't care about trying to help him anymore, I'm going to do what I think it's right and find Alice so that she can help me find Deckard.

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