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 I know I have that USB hacking thing Chris gave me last summer that can maybe hack this scan, but I left it downstairs and I am too lazy to go down there, instead I try possible 6 number  combinations. I would also need some sort of computer or something to hack. I try to plug in more 6 number digits; Alice's birthday, her graduation date, the day she got her dog, and nothing. Before this alarm goes off, I leave it alone. I have to find this 6 number combination one way or another tomorrow. 

It just intrigues me that the red light follows my arm. Like it was programmed to. And then... it all hits me, I try the other arm and the red light stays still. The red light follows my bracelet, the one Alice got me a couple weeks back as a "present". I am being traced. This is far too interesting for me to leave alone. I go back downstairs to the kitchen and open drawers until I fid the one with special tools to open devices. I sit behind the counter, iPhone flashlight on,  and use the tools to break open the bracelet piece by piece. I find the tiny tracer inside the steering wheel charm.

I am shocked, more betrayed, but definitely shocked. I had my suspicions, but I never imagined what it would be like if they were true. Alice is tracking every move I make. I wonder if she is doing the same with the rest of the crew. I know she gave Chris a new phone case and Eve a keychain, but I don't know about Sean and Melvin. This is incredible, Alice and I have never kept secrets from each other...I would never betray her like this. I am the reason why she is in the CIA in the first place. How could she?

I have to read those files I found, but not tonight, I am far to confused to understand anything. I pick up the pieces from the bracelet and put them back together, without the tracer though. I smash it and crush it and place it underneath the fridge. Everything starts clicking now, she hacked my security system back at home to monitor every move we all make, shit, probably hacked my car too. All those wires I found in her room, were to connect network and telephone lines straight to her. 

The hackers weren't wrong when they said Alice interfered their line, I had her freaking tracer on my wrist the whole time. I am so angry, she lied to my face. I don't care if it's a mission or not, she took advantage of my trust, something I don't go around giving. The CIA doesn't do big missions inside the country, so what the hell is she doing invading my privacy like that?

 I know exactly what to do, the surprised phase passed, now its show time. I first need to get access behind those closet walls and then I can clearly carry out a plan. Alice needs to know who she just crossed with.

I have successfully broken out of the Military Boarding Academy twice. I have escaped and danced around high security systems surrounding the houses I've been, from Atlanta to LA to go racing, and don't get me started on racing. I have taken out groups on and off the road using physical violence and speed. Let's not mention how I was during the missions with the CIA in Mexico and England.  I went to Thailand and scraped land and sea to find the truth about Mom. I went undercover hacking for the FBI and I hacked into the CIA and US government to get hold of classified information.

I want to ask Alice: What in the world was she thinking?

The Next Day:

I wake up after my realization last night deciding how to act. To keep my plan going, I act as natural as possible, like nothing happened. I don't even know how Alice can just look at all of us and smile knowing she's a fraud.

"You smell so good." Sean says leaning on my neck and kissing me. He notices my distraction."Rosie?"

"My bad, just didn't sleep well." I say fixing my hair a bit. We are getting ready to go shopping to buy outfits for tonight. I call Eve and she tells me all about seeing Owen yesterday. She asks how DC's going and I lie her is great when I really just want to be like "By the way, Alice has been spying on us this whole time." I am discreet about mentioning anything though. We go to a mall near Capitol Hill and buy the outfits. Sean bought makeup and and glasses to go undercover along with blonde hair dye.

"No one takes pictures after I dye my hair." Sean warns us. The warning mainly goes to Melvin  who is all about snapping pictures and social media.

"What? Why? This will be for them great stories in the future." Melvin says after Sean gives him a look. Alice and I went inside a dress store and I bought a grey, short, puffy-looking, evening dress. I also bought nude heels to accompany it. I dislike heels, but what the hell? I am 16 years old and I look banging as fuck with them on. I tried my best not to make it obvious that I almost know what Alice is up to throughout the whole day.It's just hard to act normal knowing your best friend has been lying this whole time.

 After shopping we head back home and start getting ready for the event. Sean goes through a whole transformation and yet he still looks hot a -f. The blonde hair, glasses, and a lot of contour, can change person believe it or not. I come out of Alice's room, with light makeup, hair straightened, the outfit on, and head down the stairs. I make sure I have my ear devices plugged in and secure. Today, my necklace will have a live camera; I burrowed it from Alice. She specializes in spy jewelry now. 

"Holy Shit." Sean says as he embraces me. 

"It's nothing." I blush and giggle as we kiss.

"Damn I'm looking fine tonight." Chris says. His conceited ass. "Alice you sure you going to flirt with the Russian." 

"If you get in the way, I might forget the whole mission." She says walking over to him in the kitchen. Even though I am extremely mad at her, I can't deny she is not rocking that burgundy, body tight, evening dress tonight. 

"Man, y'all makin' it hard for the fifth wheel over here." Melvin says spraying perfume on. He gets his shades out. "Let's get out of here, we have a mission." 

This is going to be an interesting night. 

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