More Lies

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I really wonder what type of code this Russian dude has that are so vital to the CIA. I really don't care, our mission was to bring the car to Simmons and get intel. Before I just abandon the BMW at headquarters, Sean and I make sure to deactivate the tracer signal the car has on its computer so that no one can find it. After that, the crew picks us up and we are done for the night.

I was thinking on deactivating the code thing in Alice's closet, but I was to tired and I knew it was going to take me a while. I know if tell Melvin, he can open it in seconds but yea all have had long ass day. I'm not saying I'm forgetting about this, because I will be back, but for now, I need to gather as much evidence as possible on Alice. 

The next morning, we take a plane to Miami. I'm still sore from last night and there are a few bruises on my leg.

"You tripped downstairs. I'm telling you, it works." Melvin says to me once we get to Miami. He's helping me find excuses to tell Mom about the scrapes and bruises on my body.

"Well those were the stairs of death, because damn." Chris jokes. 

"That's pathetic, but it's all I got." I say. Mom cannot know we worked for Simmons, she would ground me for life. Susan and Eve pick us up from the airport a few moments later. They tell us all about their trip in LA and seeing Owen.

A few hours later:

I have so much on my mind. I can't even look at Alice in the eye, so I avoid her as much as I can around the house. The firs thing I did was go downstairs to the security system and try to break any connection she has in her room. I'm not really all proficient with this kind of stuff; I will try later. 

I really don't know what to think anymore, so I try to talk to Eve about it. She first tells me about her visit to LA and how Owen really feels sorry for what he did and that when he gets the first opportunity to show it to us, he will.  I'm over his shit, I don't even know if I would believe him. She says that Susan was really angry and in disbelief. She at first wanted to kill him with her slaps and punches. I can't contain my laughter as imagine that whole episode in my head. 

But then, after the conversation dies down, I can't help but wonder about Alice again. I ask Eve to see her keychain and she is obviously confused. I crack it open and find a similar structure to the one my bracelet had. I explain to Eve what it is. My suspicions are coming true.

"It's a freaking tracer, what the bloody hell?"  Eve says after I carefully explained. "Why would she-"

"I don't know, but I found some files and I have them in my bag." I tell Eve. I also tell her about what I found in the closet and the code I need to hack.I smash the hacker into pieces and throw it away. 

"You could've used the code hacker thing. All you really have to do is open up the box, take a couple of cables off and boom." She says. I was going to do that, except that with that, comes a super loud alarm that goes off. It would've woken everybody up. There is another way that Melvin knows how to do. v"You need to get back to D.C Rosie. This is unbelievable."

"I know. But for now, I need to gather evidence." I feel better now that Eve knows. I don't know how I will break it to the rest of the crew though, it will all have to come at its right time. Later on, Eve and I head to my room and we start to open up the files I found in Alice's apartment. They are all not very useful, except that they all target the city of London. Whatever or whoever she is investigating comes from London. This leads us to believe it could be Susan, Eve or Eliza. Eve swears up and down Alice is investigating her.

"Eve, no, why would-?" I ask desperately. 

"It makes perfect sense! After Mexico, she obviously couldn't trust me and wants to know if I'm in some English gang or something." Eve says standing up and walking around to prove her point. I shake my head and ask her to sit down, she is not making this easier. 

"There is only one way to really see what Alice is up to." I say when the idea finally hits me. "I need to do what she is doing."

"You mean lie and secretly spy on your friends." Eve scoffs nonchalantly and then slowly looks at me when she realizes that she just named my next move on Alice. If I want to figure it all out I need to cut the rope with the same knife Alice used.  

When the night falls, I creep down to the basement where the security system is set and all the cameras. I know Alice hacked it and I just want to block her out of the server for good. I bring my laptop and get to work. After calling Melvin and asking him how to set a new software, It's not that hard honestly, all it takes is a couple code words and a change of password and downloading a new software with a lock. I didn't tell Melvin why I was doing this though.

 All I know is that if  Alice does in fact try to hack in it again or change anything, the company of the system will get a notification and come right over. I also take a look at the cameras and notice that there is a cable added that is different from the rest. I notice that the cable goes straight up through the walls. She has direct camera connection to her room. I quickly unplug it.

Looks like Alice planned this out very thoroughly, but why? What must she know so bad that she has to go through all this? I need to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible. 

Weeks later

For a couple of weeks not a lot has happened with whatever Alice is investigating. I managed to follow her to a restaurant last weekend by her self. I went in undercover and sat near her table. While in there, she met up with this middle-aged man who I've never seen before. I think it must be another person from the CIA, or some sort of spy. I was careful enough that she didn't notice that I was following her tracks.

I really don't know how Chris hasn't noticed anything suspicious about Alice yet. Eve and I are the only ones, for now, that doubt everything Alice does. I've been thinking of confronting her, many times actually, but Eve says there is no point in that, she says it's best to catch her red-handed. Also, if Alice needs to be this sneaky and lie about so many things, then it must be very important then, or so I hope. 

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