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I tried to get Chris to help, and although at first he resisted, he wanted to help to get distracted from all the Alice drama. We wait until our Moms leave and hit on the journey to find Alex. Tashey told us he is a mechanic and hangs around some street near the movie theater in Sun Ave. We head to that car shop in different cars and ask for him.

"Alexander not coming until night. He gone to some relatives cross' town." Some young guy named Pedro tells us. He is actually really cute too.

"Where exactly? Listen, we need to find him quick." I say desperately.

"Don't know. I'll give him a ring though." Pedro says getting his phone out. While he does that, we step outside and I tell the crew about Sean coming to the house earlier.

"Oh hell nah." Melvin says annoyed. "His lying ass. I need Alice to explain some serious shit."

"It's obvious he was just trying to help her guys. We shouldn't be so hard on them." Eve suggests.

"Nah we wen't out there to D.C, he could've said something." Chris says annoyed. Pedro comes back and says Alex doesn't pick up his phone. The crew and I give each other a look.

"Pedro, we need you to come with us. Alex is in a big mess." Melvin tells him. Pedro is confused, but once we tell him that some pimps looking for him to kill him, he gets worried and agrees. He hops in the car with me. He gives me the directions to where Alex lives. A small apartment like 10 minutes away from the car shop. Once we arrive, we hop out and search the small apartment.

"I'll check cameras, be right back." Melvin says heading to his car where he keeps his laptop. The small apartment looks like someone had already broke in for sure. Theres no sign of blood or anything, so that's good news.

"They gon' kill my bro yo." Pedro says starting to sound nervous. I try to tell him we are doing as much as we can. We give Alex another ring and his phone rings so is not off. Melvin and Eve try to at least get the signal of where the phone is and track it down, but it's impossible if he doesn't pick it up. Melvin checks the cameras from outside, and three men are seen breaking into the house and basically dragging Alex out unconscious. Pedro starts to cry thinking he's dead, I don't think so though.

I try to remember where I picked up Tashey last night to at least find the location where the pimps live. I tell the crew of my plan.

"Rosie don't be nuts. We are not going into that hell hole unprepared." Chris says and he's right.

"Let's go undercover tonight. Eve and Rosie, get all cute up and turn yourselves in to the pimps. We will stay in the background. Chris with the weapons, I'll break into phones, cameras, anything to bring evidence to the FBI." Melvin says and I'm really impressed with his knowledge. Pedro is just looking at us like we crazy.

"Aren't ya'll like young teens or something?" Pedro asks while we hop back in the car. We just nod. We go shopping for this undercover stuff. I text Mom just so that when she returns and I'm not there, she at least knows I'm alive. I am definetely double grounded after this. Eve and I get the sexiest clothes we can find in Miami. I get a short top with cleavage and some really tight shorts with heels. Eve gets a really short, club looking dress. We put on make-up, jewelry, our secretive microphones and all that. I get my small knife and put in my purse. After a while we are good to go.

Pedro and Melvin stay in a vehicle like a block away. Chris discreetly follows Eve and I, he to dressed up as some gangster from the hood; he is trying to blend in the crowd. I continue to walk around this really hood looking block with Eve.

"I see no pimps." I say to Melvin through my undercover microphone.

"Keep walking, this is the location where Tashey ran off from. The pimp's name is Gordon." Melvin says on comms. Just as he says that, we stumble on this old looking guy with bad breath. We ask for Gordon and he points at this apartment building that looks luxurious as fuck for an old hood. We thank the guy who is just thirsty as hell for us. I had to push him away.

Miles Per Hour 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon