Prom Week

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 2 months later

The biggest nightmare of the year at a public high school is starting for me. Prom is this Friday and Eve is making sure we look like royalty and what not. I'm honestly not excited for it at all, but it is Sean's junior prom, so I'm making sure I go with him, especially to show off in front of his ex who hates me. I hate drama but that girl and her group hate me and have tried to make my year a hell, but of course, tables turn and I've made theirs a living hell instead.

The thing about prom on Friday, is that I won't be there at all; I am planning to take jet to Washington D.C. and break into Alice's apartment and go into that closet that left me wondering what were behind those walls. Alice left back to Washington about a month ago. I already have the trackers smashes and the security system updated, so she probably fell trapped. I know she knows I  know all about her plans.

"I am taking you both dress shopping." Susan says barging in on Eve, Sean and I in the patio.

"Grandmother, your taste is completely different from ours." Eve says while Susan sits with us.

"You'll be surprised actually. I've shopped all over the world and I've made connections. I'll have a special stylist come in if you need it." 

"I think we will be okay with a $100 dress." I say, my head laying on Sean's lap.

"Uh, no Rosie." Eve says disagreeing. "We were raised better." Eventually Susan persuades us to go shopping with her after school tomorrow because she leaves on a business trip to New York soon. I tried to ask her for what business, but she said it was for her traveling company.

"How often did Susan leave back home?" Sean asks Eve after Susan left us alone outside. 

"She usually left for months at a time, but for the past years, it was just a couple times a year." Eve says bitting on a pear.

"She's so mysterious." Sean responds and I agree with that.

"I lived with her all my life, and I still don't understand her sometimes. She has so many secrets." Eve says nodding her head.

"You know what else is mysterious?" I say to Sean. I'm about to spill it. It's been too long, I think it's time to completely tell Sean about my Alice suspicions. I've been hinting for the past couple of weeks that Alice is hiding something to the crew, but I am coming out with facts tonight. 

"The fact that Melvin hasn't called me back after I texted him it was urgent, yeah." Sean says sarcastically and completely unaware of what I am about to say.

"Alice has us all under investigation." I blurt out. Sean is thrown off and just stares at me. "I've been meaning to tell you, but with school, sports, and family drama, I didn't know when."

"Rosie, come on." Sean says in disbelief. He moves away from me. "Don't start with the accusations..."

"She placed a tracker on Rosie and I, maybe Chris too, but we are not sure." Eve backs me up. I tell Sean everything that I know that leads to us believing this. 

"We wouldn't make this up." I say moving away from his side. "If you don't want to believe-" I seriously don't need him to believe me if he doesn't want to.  

"No, I do. It's just...Has Alice has lost her mind or something? It's unbelievable." Sean says and I'm glad he believes us even though he was doubtful at first.  Once the whole Alice thing is out, I tell them about my plan for prom night. They don't take it so well. 

"What?! You have to go." Eve practically screams.

"Man come on? You can go up to DC another time." Sean says. He knows I wasn't feeling like going to prom in the first place anyway. High school is full of idiotic, immature, little kids who drown in sex, drugs, and weed. They are materialistic as fuck and only care about themselves. I mean, there are also the calm ones who are there grinding for their future trying to live their life independent from the chaotic ones. 

"No, I have to go this Friday. According to Chris, Alice will be out of the country for the next two weeks...this is my chance. I will be back the same night." I say I then thoroughly explain what I am going to do.  Eve is more upset because I will miss "prom". There is always next year, oh and the next...Sean just thinks it's not worth it.

"I'm going by myself. then I don-" I start to declare my independence but Eve stops me.

"Fuck that. I'm going to. I would love to see what the hell I'm being investigated for. Sean you in?" Sean just stares at us.

"Rosie this is not right. Just call her and ask her what she's up to..." He says totally going against what I want. It has been a trend for him lately.

"So that she can deny it? Sean, you know I'm not begging." I say standing up from the chair. He looks at me for a while, then he smiles.

"You are my date to prom, unfortunately." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me into his lap. I smile as he tries to kiss me. I know he wouldn't let me be reckless alone. I call Melvin up about it and at first he doesn't believe a word a say, yet he rather go to DC than prom.

"I'm going to win Prom King though." He says all confident.

"Yeah right." I say laughing.

"I hacked the vote system . Plus, who doesn't like me?"  He assures me and we all laugh. Of course he would hack prom to win Prom King. 

I've thought twice about telling Chris. I know he won't believe a word a say anyway but I should give it a try, especially because I need the freaking private jet. 

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