Alice's Place

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So to break it down short, Deckard is not in prison anymore because another agency needed him and they got him out of prison, along with Hobbs. Yeah, another surprise, Hobbs was in jail with Deckard too. He helped me see him last summer in L.A. Anyway, as far as Simmons knows, Deckard is on a secret mission for this agency and the CIA can't get involved due to contracts and laws and what ever. 

"I'm sorry, but we really don't know where he is." Simmons continues after filling me in. I slowly sit back in my chair, taking all this in. 

"Don't go around saying you hacked the country please." Sarah randomly says after a good minute. "It is like wanting to be in prison for sure." 

"Can we go now?" Chris asks annoyed. He is over it. 

"No, one more thing. The director wants to invite you all to a dinner event at the Smithsonian Museum of History tomorrow night." Simmons says, handing us the invitations. 

"What?" Melvin says surprised. We read the invitation. 

"Holy shit. That's great." I say. I don't exactly know how I'll look at him face to face after hacking the agency. I also don't know if this is some kind of trap or something, so I research it; its 100% factual. 

We sit there for a few more minutes talking about life after the past summer. Then, Simmons pops a question...He wants us to be on a mission while at the dinner with the director. To prove our skills, he wants us to get information from a Russian hacker and steal his car which supposedly contains codes that are vital to the agency. The CIA has been looking into this guy and gaining his trust but they know what he really is up to.

At first, I don't know how to feel about it since I'm still pissed at the fact that the CIA lied about having Deckard, but whatever, if we get to prove ourselves to the director, I am so in. This also will help me be closer with Alice to get to the bottom of what she really is doing. 

"You know the rules, no talking about it to anyone." Sarah says, handing us the mission statement that we must sign and all. We briefly go over the mission.I really hate that Eve is not here, because now I can't tell her; we are so used to telling each other everything by now. We then go around the building on a tour given by Alice; it's a cool ass building I can't lie. We don't tour it entirely because it's the CIA and secrets and blah blah blah, and its huge.  After the tour, we say our farewells to Simmons and Sarah and head to Alice's place. It's a small, two floored, loft apartment in downtown DC. It looks luxurious as hell; I can't deny that we got paid very well by the agency during the summer. 

"Alright so the team is back and assembled." Melvin says laying on Alice's couch as soon as we walk in. 

"Feet off Melvin." Alice says from the kitchen.

"First of all, we need outfits. We are going to a freaking event in the Smithsonian museum with the director of the CIA tomorrow." Sean says next to me on the couch. 

"Real shit. We are going shopping." I say getting my phone out real quick to text Mom and tell her we are good. 

"We'll before we get all fancy, we gotta make sure we prepared for this mission tomorrow." Melvin suggests and I agree. We set up a map with a plan on where exactly this Russian guy is going to be at. We theorize where his car will be parked and who he is going to be with throughout the night. Simmons gave us a flash drive with all the background information we need. 

This Russian guy is an ambassador who has worked for the US Government for many years; he has been a fraud though and the FBI has investigated him for while. The CIA got involved when some stories started leaking in Russia about the US. There are many other suspects but this guy in the main one because of the amount evidence that surrounds him. Usually the CIA doesn't work on US soil, but tomorrow night they will make an exception to gather evidence. We have to do our best work and not get caught by the Russian or draw any suspicion by other CIA agents or government officials.

"He is staying at this hotel right here." I say pointing to the TV screen (we hooked up the laptop to it). " It's walking distance from the event, maybe while things stir up, one of us can sneak in and see whats up?"

"Good idea. We just have to steal the hotel access card from him." Sean says.

"Or use my universal card opener." Alice says. "Working for the agency has its perks." That's the coolest shit ever. She has a card that can open any hotel door in the world, it is programmed to copy the barcode that was swiped before to open the door. 

"Just searched up the hotel, and from the hallway pictures, the doors do use cards and not codes, we good." Melvin says.

 We also agreed on one of us going undercover as a part of the service crew for the event. "Um obviously, I'm the star of the crew." I say kidding. "I have to be present at the event."

"Okay, so Rosie, Chris and Alice will be at the event. Melvin will be there but then unexpectedly leave to break in to the hotel room, and I will be undercover as a waiter." Sean says finalizing everything. Alice already starts working on finding a waiter at the event that Sean can infiltrate  and get access in. We find this guy named John Palkin who we will kidnap, steal his ID, make a replica with Sean's face, and then use it for the event.

"Perfect, hopefully that goes as planned. During the event, Alice will flirt with the Russian, he is like 20 something." Melvin suggests and Chris is giving him a look. "What? Is undercover, grow up mammas boy."

"That's the most mature thing you have said today." Alice says and I laugh. "Alright we are set then."

"It's this like your first mission after the summer?" Sean asks Alice. 

"That's classified." Alice says pointing a finger at him.

"Oh, so that's how we are now?" I say giving her a petty laugh.

"Fifty bucks and I bet she's hiding a body in the closet." Melvin says and we all laugh.

"Hey, that's classified." Sean jokes back. We joke around a bit, but in the back of mind I wonder what missions Alice has done already. After a couple of laughs, we go to sleep. Chris sleeps with Alice up stairs while Sean and I take the couch and Melvin the floor.

 My mind races with questions, and I can't sleep. This is my only chance to find what Alice is really up to. I carefully stand up from the couch and walk around the apartment with my phone's flashlight. I open drawers in the first floor from the living room to the kitchen. Most are empty or filled with random shit. I also search under and on top of cabinets and find nothing.

I look behind a big black and white painting and find a secret lot with paper files, too many of them. I carefully take them out and silently run to my bag to hide them in there. I continue my quest up the stairs to Alice's room. I am praying for two things. One, I hope these two aren't having sex. Two, I hope to get a hold of Alice's computer. 

Unfortunately there is nothing I can do because the bedroom is locked, and yes I can break into it, but it will make too much noise. I just continue to search in the closet next to her bedroom. I open the doors and there really is nothing in here. But when I am about to close the doors I see a red light flickering through the walls. I'm scared as fuck because I think its a laser or some shit to kill me, but then I notice the red light moves with the motion of my arm. I knock on the closet's wall and I realize the wall opens, I just need to plug the code on a pad that shows up.

What is Alice hiding?

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