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"If ya'll don't stop with all that kissing..." Melvin says in disgust as Sean and I make out excessively in from of him. We are aboard a private plane to Washington.

"Move then." I say annoyed. We only be messing with him. There are like all these empty seats on the plane though, but no, he wants to sit on the one in front of us.

"Homie mad cuz Eve not here." Sean says teasing him.

"Oooo Melv." I say instigating. Melvin rolls his eyes and plugs his earphones.

"Whatever." He just says. We are bound to touchdown in a few minnutes. Simmons is going to hear my mouth all right today. He thinks he slick lying to us about Deckard. Chris and Alice are sitting some seats in back of us. Last night before I went to sleep I asked Chris if he has noticed something unusual about Alice. He basically, in short words, told me to fuck off and stop acting weird. Maybe I am just trying to find something that is not?

No, that is not the case though because I snuck into Alice's room last night while she and Chris were away and found something interesting. Her suitcase was on the floor half opened and of course I had to check it out. I opened it and found different screens and cables. Now I know Alice is a technology freak, but why would she carry cables around? I would've continued searching her room but Susan came in the room and caught me off guard. I had to lie and tell her I was looking for Alice's car keys, she probably didn't believe me but whatever.

We touch down in DC and hop into the SUV waiting for us from Simmons.

"So wait? Why did Susan decide to move to England with Owen, having a perfect career here in the states?" Alice asks curiously. We randomly are having a conversation on why we never really went to visit Owen's house when we would go on vacation to the UK.

"I mean England is her home, and after the divorce with Ralph, I guess she wanted to be more with Owen." I say. I think Susan definitely has a weak side for Owen, she loves both her sons, but since Owen seems to be the one that causes the more trouble, she is always trying to look out for him.

"You guys could've easily moved with her to England after Rosalinda's fake death." Melvin says.

"Hell no!" Chris says. I totally agree, Susan is great and so is Eliza, but living under their roof, with Owen, would've been terrible. The whole experience would have been too controlling with no freedom. It probably would have been worse than the academy.

"Nah, I like the freedom we got. It definitely came with a price because Deckard wasn't there, but, overall, staying in Atlanta was way better than if we would've stayed up in England." I say shaking that possibility away from my thoughts. We drive through downtown D.C, a beautiful city full of people from all over. I have always liked D.C., it is just that once different city full of history in every corner, and full of spies. 

The CIA headquarters are not exactly in D.C, but in the outsides in Virginia. It takes a couple of minutes  to reach the building. Some time later, the sun is already setting when we arrive; A greenish and white tall building with a large parking lot. We go through heavy security even before entering the parking lot. Once we do, we get dropped off right in front of the building.

"Agent Moretti, didn't think you'll be back so fast?" The front receptionist says to Alice after we went through heavy security. 

"I'm actually here to visit, my friends wanted to speak to Agent Simmons. I talked to Sarah, she knows we are here." Alice says. The receptionist gives us all name tags and we make our way to the fifth floor.

"So like are there hidden microphones inside the elevators?" Melvin asks joking around. I slap him in the chest. He is stupid. 

"Bet this name tag has one right now." Chris continues the joke touching his name tag. 

"That's not true weirdo. They know every move we make regardless." I say.

"Hm, not all." Melvin says throwing indirects at the fact that we hacked the CIA before. I feel a bit uncomfortable, Alice doesn't know.

"I wouldn't be so sure." She just says and I give her a look. So we just going to pretend like we can't hack the CIA?... We reach the floor and are greeted by Sarah, whom we have missed dearly. 

"I've missed you guys, come. The whole building wants to meet you." Sarah says walking through the floor after giving us all hugs, individually.  She was right, everyone is just greeting us and staring straight from their offices, or standing outside them. I feel so admired. No big deal, teenage spies that happen to be pros with racing, guns, and technology...

We reach Simmons's mega conference room and we sit there to wait for him. Sarah says he will be here shortly. While we wait, people from the outside are in glaring in like fans. Melvin even asked for a cup of coffee and they were delighted to make it for him. He is just taking advantage of the situation.

"So what are you going to tell Simmons? 'Uh, you lied about my father, I hate you'" Sean mocks me. I punch his arm slightly. I don't sound like that.

"No, she will say: 'You lied to us, tell us the truth'" Chris jokes around, I give him a look. They love hitting my nerves so that I attack. And then when I attack, they get mad. 

"And then Simmons will say 'We are the CIA, we don't tell the truth.'" Melvin adds laughing and I am about to fly across the table to hit him. Instead I move the table forcefully and his cup of coffee slightly spills on him. He picks it up real quick. 

"Yo what the fuck?" Melvin says. We are all laughing.

"Here we go." Alice says.

"Simmons will ask why you wet yourself." I say laughing. Melvin is so heated. Sarah gives him a couple paper towels. e asked for it, low-key Chris and Sean should have gotten a taste of revenge to, but I'm saving that one. 

"You are not getting female agents with coffee stains now buddy." Simmons says breaking our laughter as he enters the room. We greet him, but not very happily.

"I didn't know we were so loved over here at headquarters?" Chris asks sarcastically as Simmons sits, putting his iPad and papers on the table.

"Right. It's not like you ever invited us over or anything." Sean adds.

"Oh boy, the petty attitudes, coffee spilling, unexpected visits. What's up?" Simmons asks analyzing us. 

"Why did you tell me the CIA didn't have Deckard when they did all along?" I ask crossing my arms and leaning back on the chair. I give him a glare. He thinks for a moment, looks to the other side of the table at Sarah, and then responds. 

"It's complicated. We lied to prevent you from asking questions and getting in the middle of this-"

I cut him off before he says anything else. "He's my father and he helped out in Mexico. I thought he was off the hook?" I'm obviously getting a bit annoyed. 

"He originally was, but then the director changed plans and decided to lock him up again. It's not my case ever since I left Mexico. I haven't heard about Deckard ever since." Simmons tries to reassure. 

"I know where he is."  I say after a couple seconds of silence. "You know I wasn't going to let things settle."

"Woah, what? How did you- Did Alice help you?" Simmons says a bit thrown off. I look over at Alice and I know she is internally screaming "Don't say anything!"

"No, she didn't. I got in contact with some hackers and they got classified information from the government." I say. I will not put Alice's career at risk.

"You know you just confessed to committing a federal crime." Simmons says slowly. 

"Are you going to lock me up?" I stand up from my chair, challenging him.

"Rosie-" Alice says from across the table as  a warning for me to calm down.

"We had an agreement Simmons, mission or not, and you lied and now I demand to see my father." Simmons just looks at me for a few seconds before spilling a bomb. 

"That can't happen, Rosie. He is not in prison anymore."

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