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I wake up the next day,  my mind numb from last night. I don't remember when I came home, but I remember Mom being mad at me and then, somehow, I fell asleep. I wake up to various text messages from the crew and surprisingly, Chris. I was not having it last night. I guess I stepped over the line a bit, but everyone wanted to be attacking me. I don't know, maybe if I sleep all day, I won't have to worry about anything.

Two Days Later

"Rosie get out of there. We need to talk." Sean says knocking on my bedroom door. I have gone MIA for the past two days and I'm sort of liking it.  

"Yea, Rosie, we might have something." Melvin then says when I don't answer for a while. I shrug, close my computer, and roll of the bed.

"I think we found Alice." Chris says and I stop for a second before opening the door.

"I said I was going to be quarantined until school started. What part didn't ya'll get?" I say opening the door. 

"Woah, it's nice to see your face again." Eve says. She has seen me though, last night I sneaked to the kitchen to restock on M&M's, I heard her on the phone with Melvin and I waved. 

"I know you received my apologies." Chris says with an apologetic face. He called me the day after New Years to apologize. I told him I was only going to forgive him if he brought me food three times a day to my room and with snacks in between. He has been loyal ever since, so he kind of earns the forgiveness. 

"Yeah, sure. Now get in here and tell me where she at." I say as they call come in. Chris playfully tries to bring me into a hug with his armpit all up in my face. I push him off though, and playfully punch him. I then sit on my couch, with my legs crossed ready to listen tentatively. 

"Well, thanks to some digging up with the help of Sean, we were able to find a way to get some connections in DC to look for her." Melvin says getting his computer out. I look at Sean and he winks. I feel bad for giving him an attitude the other night, but I know he understands where I came from and I  understand why he acted the way he did. 

"So technically, we haven't found her yet..." I say a little disappointed.

"No, but we are closer than ever." Eve says nodding.

"I just want to say something guys." Chris says after a moment of silence. "It's not because of Alice that I have been acting so different lately. Honestly, I just feel like after this summer, I left a part of me behind. That fun me is like slowly leaving."

"Its called growing up buddy." Melvin says sarcastically and we all chuckle. 

"No its not. He threw me in a freaking pool. In heels!" I exclaim thrown a pillow at Chris.

"About that...I was a bit drunk and you caught me off guard. I'm sorry, you know that." He says. Then we all just laugh.

"Rosie was so pissed. I thought she was going to kill you." Sean says while we laugh and I might have to agree with him. After a while, we then head down to the backyard to talk randomness and eat of course. Chris get's to whipping on the grill and we have a great time. We all hate the fact that we have to go back to school, except for Chris who has a low budget job and took one semester in engineering. I don't judge though, I was proud of him when I found he was trying to start a good life after being on probation.

A week later

So there is nothing interesting to discuss about school of course. Except that Lisa, somehow remembered the night of New Years, and told the crew and my other friends in school that I was smoking  and drinking that night with her and Marie. Sean gave me a whole lecture, but at the end, he knows that I'm crazy and I do what ever my mind tells me to, all the time.

Also, the people we contacted in DC found Alice. She is staying in a hotel near the CIA headquarters. They told us she left DC though, and they don't know where she is heading. 

It is Friday afternoon as I arrive home with Eve. After a long week, all we want to do is not do homework and watch movies all weekend. Eve adds on the doing hair and getting our nails done, although I just go for her and get nothing done. I enter the garage drive way and park my grey Nissan GTR in the garage

"You know that Melvin invited me out to dinner at his house tonight?" Eve says casually as we enter the house. 

"What?! And you don't tell me earlier because?" I say making sure the GTR is parked perfectly. 

"Well he kind of told me today in 6th period and I did not want to make a big fuss until we got home. But, oh my!" She says as we hop out the car. 

"It's funny because, after he bought the house, he hasn't even mentioned for us to go over, but he asks you. Hmmm." I say suspiciously. It's so weird to see Eve this hype over a boy since Robert. She has improved so much as person, that I am so happy for her.

"Well, I don't know what to wear." She says as we enter the house through the kitchen doors. 

"Casual Eve. Don't go all out." I laugh. "I'll help you."

"Perfect, but after I use the loo." She says referring to the bathroom and I can't help but laugh every time she brings the British side of her in her sentences. I sit down and start scrolling through my phone when the doorbell rings. Mom and Eliza went out shopping today, and Susan is not home so I have to answer the door.I walk up and look at the security cameras first, I see someone who I was not expecting at all. I quickly open the door.

"Alice?!" I say in awe. She stands at the door with her arms open, wearing jeans and black spaghetti strapped shirt with a suitcase in her hand.

"Rosie!" She says as she embraces me for a hug. 

"Umm, we have a lot to talk about." I say a little mad. "First of all, going MIA is not acceptable. Second of all, not even a birthday text?" We enter the house and sit on the entrance chairs.

"Sorry. You know my situation." She says and it's true. I think we know that a being in the actual CIA is obviously a sacrifice for the whole family. "I am constantly bombarded with work and studying and everything."

"Why didn't you let me know you were coming?"

"I went to visit my family in Atlanta first, and I kind of wanted to surprise you all. Where's Chris? I feel terrible, but he was to understand me."

"Chris is working. He will be home in a couple of hours. But tell me, is it more exciting that going on missions?" I ask her enthusiastically. She does that face that lets me know she can't say anything. My enthusiasm drops.

"Sorry, Rosie. I signed contracts upon contracts. I'm still in training actually." She says and I know its her life now and I can't really judge her. There is something about Alice though that just is not the same. She looks like she is not very happy in the CIA.

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