Hacking the GOV pt1

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So it has been a couple of days since Alice reunited with the crew and Chris is happy like he has never been, Melvin and Eve are going on dates, and Sean and I are trying to enjoy every moment. Of course, life ain't that perfect. I have increased my suspicion on Susan and her sudden meetings with friends. I am at the point that I feel the need to ask her who the hell she is going out with and why is she always on that phone. 

Also, Alice has been acting bit off lately. Two nights ago, the I caught her in the basement with her computer near the security system of the house. She claims she was just updating some softwares she had learned to use in the CIA but I'm not to sure. High level security is something you learn in a couple of months. 

I told Eve about my suspicions and she told me that I am the one thats acting weird doubting everything. Although, she does agree with me that Susan is acting a bit different.

"Grandmother is a special character. In England she was always mysterious and taking trips. I always thought it was her job." Eve says as we sit in the house's office doing homework.

"What job?" I ask curiously. I though she retired. Well Deckard told me that, but he lied like half my life so...

"She was, and I guess, is a travel agent company owner. She owns TripSafe Inc. in England." Eve says enthusiastically. I am shocked, how don't I remember that. Well, I never really was that close to Susan anyway. I saw her like a couple of times when she would visit and when I would fly to England she would visit us too. 

"Cool." I simply say, but it still doesn't fill my curiosity. Alice then comes in the room.

"All right, so it took me a couple of days to do this, but, I wrote out an encrypted message to contact those people that can help you hack the US gov." Alice says handing me a sheet with code.

"You called Melvin?" I ask reading over the lengthy coded page. I can understand some of it. 

"Yeah, its sensitive to send over the phone or online, so he is on his way over." She says a little unsure and nervous.

"Alice, don't be scared. We got this." I say confidently. I pass the sheet to Eve.

"It's not that. You guys could hack Russia if you wanted to. Its just, why are you so caught up on finding Deckard. Do you even know if he is truly in jail? What if he just left? Remember that one time he left and you though the government had him, but he just actually was on one of his missions?"

"He is my Dad, Alice. And look, I know I am not all about my Dad, but I can't wrap my head around this whole mystery on him disappearing on us like that. He must be working for someone or taken hostage. Plus, Simmons said he was in jail but he didn't know where or why. Is up to me to find him. Chris won't." I say grabbing my laptop.

"That's true. Listen, just be careful. I can't directly help you with this, but I know you guys got this." Alice says tentatively. "Once Melvin arrives, tell him to plug in the Gigante0885 to start the whole process and please, do it quick, ten minute tops. The government will trace y'all asses for real."

"This looks like someone fell asleep on the keyboard and printed the document they were on." Eve says sarcastically as Alice leaves. 

Moments later, Melvin and Sean show up. We start the process of contacting the hackers and in like seconds they answer back. Their code is different from any other code, but Alice gave us a software that automatically solves the code and translates it. They gave us a location to meet up with some from their team and we write it down on paper. They want to meet tonight at some old restaurant in Miami.

"This is insane." Chris says after we did everything. He came in the office mid process to try and convince me out of it.

"So are you, but no one judges. you. " I say searching the location up.

"Rosie, I'm serious. Deckard has left us in the past, he probably-"

"Chris get out. I mean, if you are not going to support then get the fuck out." I say pointing my hand to the door.

"No, I'm staying. I'm the big brother here." Chris says all proud. Alice comes in after I sent her a text. I won't tell her where we are meeting up with the hackers because they are the CIA's and the whole world's enemies.

"All set?" She asks and I nod. I hate to be shady, but I deleted everything in connection to the hackers and hid the encrypted messages. I don't want Alice in the middle of all of this. If those people find out we have a rising CIA agent, we are fucked. "Can I go?"

"If you stay in the car, yes. You have to keep distance." Melvin says.

"Obviously, dummy. I just want to be there just in case. Chris and I will stay in the car. I hate feeling like I am not apart of something." She says and I agree with her. I mean, we did everything together as a crew, it doesn't have to stop now. Melvin and Sean leave to their homes to get change and sneak out later. Us, the ones who stay, also get ready.

I call Maggie and tell her the plan for tonight and ask her to be stand by just in case. This needs to be planned out correctly just in case their hackers pull out in the last minute or something.

 It is finally nighttime and I am wearing jeans, boots, black t-shirt and a leather jacket. It doesn't get more spyish than this. I can say I am not nervous, but yet, I never have encountered hackers like this, on the low. It's exciting.  I grab my backpack and put my computer, my chargers, my phone, and a small clock gun I hide in my closet, inside. I sneak out of my room and long with Eve and Chris, we head to the basement to the safe box. It was originally's Ralph's, the "big", "bad", "criminal-grandfather" who got killed by the FBI and CIA in the summer. The FBI took out all the files and money out the safe, but we added our own money in case of emergencies, this, is one of those emergencies.

I take some the money out the safe, around 100K, and put it inside this big bag Chris brought down. Alice made sure to deactivate the alarm system for tonight around the whole house. She is waiting in the garage inside a black SUV. Eve and Chris hop on with her. I take my own car, the GTR, just in case. I hop in and we are out. Squad goals. 

How don't they hear us upstairs? The house was built with sound proof walls, so no one legit can't hear what happens outside, unless the windows are open, but Alice made sure to lock all of the windows with the security hack.

We meet up with Maggie, Melvin and Sean and we drive close to the restaurant, we are not quite there yet. I roll my window down as I stop next to Alice.

"Good luck. Here you go, if you need us." Alice says giving me a pair of earrings. They are button pressed with a special alert that goes on to her phone if I touch them in case we need help. I don't know where she got them to be honest. She probably saved them from the summer or she brought them from the CIA. 

"Maggie is a few blocks from here with one of my friends just in case." Chris says. I nod. "And, we got the guns, you know." He says not knowing that I got my small clock gun in my bag too.

"I'll be here making sure nothing is leaked. I've learnt a few things from Alice." Eve says from the backseat of the SUV. I smile and nod. I look over to Sean and Melvin. We are ready. I roll my window back up again and put the earrings on. If anything goes wrong, I will have the assurance that we have a team backing us up.

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