Crew Reunion

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Before Chris came home, we hid Alice in his room (Mom's idea), and awaited for him to see her. He obviously went nuts, he picked her up, kissed her; well he treated her as if she had arisen from the death. We had a little reunion once the crew came through to see her. It was fun to catch up. Sean even invited Maggie who I haven't seen for a while too. I don't know how things are going to get when Melvin and Eve arrive though. I'm low key here for the drama.

"Melvin!" Maggie says as Melvin enters the house next to Eve. I just exchange looks with Sean and Chris. This is going to be so awkward. Maggie doesn't really know the new Eve, she still has the idea of Summer Eve (and not the wash), who was way different.

"Why the fuck would-" I whisper to Sean as he leans on to me. In a way, I'm mad that this can turn out to be a mess, but that also strikes my curiosity.

"I didn't know they were a thing." Sean whispers back, confused.

"Maggie? Hey." Melvin says a bit confused as she walks up to him and embraces him in a hug. Eve just smiles, but deep down, I know she is just as confused. Maggie then hugs Eve. Melvin brightens up as he sees Alice.

"Alice!" He runs up to her to hug her. Eve follows, with a smile on her face. Everyone is in shock with this unprecedented surprise.

Then we enjoy a night of retelling the good times from the summer in the living room, even if there aren't many. It so awkward between Maggie, Melvin, and Eve the whole time. They all act like nothing is wrong, but hell, we all know. To fuck things up, Chris asks:

"So how was dinner at Melvin's new crib." Chris says curiously. I swallow hard. Maggie looks at me in confusion.Chris is always doing some stupid shit.

"It was great. Um, his mom is an awesome cook."Eve says, locking eyes with Melvin. They exchange a soft smile. I can see Melvin's heart racing hard as hell through his chest right now.

"You bought a house?" Maggie asks, being petty I bet. This better not turn into a fight, and if it does, I'm taking Eve's side.

"Yeah, in Doral." Melvin says normally. Ha, he is so fake. We know his ex and his new girl have bad tempers and if confronted shit goes down.

"Really, I live near Doral. I mean you know that, it's not like you visited me the whole month of September." Maggie says laughing but none of us laugh. We just sit there nodding. Alice looks over to me and I give her the Oh shit look.

"That's funny." Eve mumbles between her lips. Sean I hear it though. I hold in my laugh.

"Yeah I meant to tell you, but you know with school and everything..." Melvin says nodding nervously. He is really mad that Maggie is here.

"Eve, when did you get here?" Alice asks, trying to change the subject. That is not going to work though.

"Around early October; it was just right to be close to my real family after the summer. Then I started rehab down here and I am so thankful." Eve says she locks hands with Melvin. "It was the best choice I have ever made."

"Early October? You should've come to visit!" Maggie says with fake excitement. Eve asks her why she decided to be so distant and not even look for us, that's when I know shit will really go down. "Well I was afraid of catching my ex boyfriend with one of my friends." In like seconds, Eve is ready to launch for her, but she stops and gathers herself. Maybe rehab does work.

"Things were over in the summer Mags. We weren't that serious." Melvin says and Maggie looks hurt. He has Eve held back.

"Things happened Maggie. You don't have to come over here to be petty. We are here to be happy for Alice." Eve says composing herself.

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