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Melvin and Maggie are already driving in back of the hackers's cars when Sean and I start shooting at the hackers. I know Alice is way out of here, she can't be seen in this mess. The CIA would kill her and us all. I am shooting at the hackers with passion. We are not killing them, but we shoot at their tires and mirrors mostly. One of the hackers, I think Stiches, hops off his cars with both his hands up. All of them, one by one,  hop off. We stop shooting.

"Okay! You win." Stiches says. He is bleeding out his left arm, probably got hurt back in the basement. "Stop it!" He says as I put my machine gun down, but I grab my clock gun just in case. I walk around my car to be facing them. Sean follows.

"Look, we are not here to do any damage. I just wanted a piece of information." I say pointing my clock gun at them.

"We have to stop this hassle before the cops come through. We are hidden, and  we will remain like that." Bakka says next to her car. "We ending this. We letting you go."

"We have an agreement then?" Sean says. "We won't expose you, and you won't expose either."

"Yeah." Stiches says. I put my gun down and walk over to him.

"We didn't mean for this to get this far." I say extending my hand. He shakes it. I go over to Bakka and raise my hand to the rest as a sign of peace.

"I know that. We are sorry for causing this mess, we just are very cautious on keeping everything top secret. I would just worry about the Alice girl." Stiches says. "She ain't being 100% with ya'll." That leads me concerns a bit.  What does he mean?

"Well, since you help poor countries, then take the 100k." I say waving over to Sean to go and get the bag. He runs and comes back and gives it to Bakka. "Or use it to keep saving the world against other hackers."

"Thank you. Part of the deal is to always be there for us, and we will be there for you." Stiches says. "So this won't be the last time we speak."

"Bye Audis." Bakka says taking the bag and hoping back in her car.

"BMWI8's!" Melvin yells from all the way in the back. "That was our original name."

"Bye and thank you."Sean says as we run back to our cars. We already hearing the police sirens from far so we have to speed out of here .

Moments Later:

"Alice what the hell?" Melvin yells at Alice. We are outside the house. He hops out his car and confronts her. She is inside her car.

"What do you mean?" Alice asks confused. I pull up and hop out my car too. She better have a good explanation as to why she was trying to hack the hackers.

"Alice! I thought you said you wasn't going to interfere?!" I say pissed. She is in denial.

"Woah. Calm down!" Chris says from the drivers seat in the SUV.

"Rosie, I didn't interfere. What are you talking about?" Alice responds angrily. "Eve had my computer but she doesn't know how to hack connections, do you now?" She looks back ans asks Eve.

"Of course not. I only know how to find y'all based on GPS, on find my iPhone." She says and I know Eve is not a computer person.

"Well, some connection was interfered and they said your name clearly and that you are part of the CIA." Melvin says. Sean joins us.

"I don't know what the fuck just happened, but those hackers were going to kill us." Sean says.

"I swear to you, I did not mess with their connection. I don't know how they picked up on me." Alice says and it's hard for me not to believe her.

"Do you have a tracer on you?" Melvin asks. He is still pissed.

"No! I don't understand. They probably dug really deep and found it. I mean they hack the government for a living." She says.

"Alice don't explain yourself. It's whatever. You got what you wanted Rosie?" Chris asks desperately.

"Yes. After they almost killed us, they surrendered and we gave them the money and we made a deal."  I say. "Sorry Alice, I didn't mean to accuse you."

"It's okay. Lets forget it, you have the information and that's all that matters." She says. I feel bad for accusing her now. It's just everything happened so quick. I tell them where Deckard is and how Simmons lied to our face when he told us the CIA had nothing to do with this.

We are planning on going next weekend to D.C to see how in the world we can visit Deckard and get him out. Alice says she can pull some strings to get me to see him, but she's not sure. No, I'm making sure Simmons hears me. I know we are young and reckless and we have made Simmons life a living hell, but, he could've just told us they had him again.

Days Later:

"Are you nervous to see him?" Alice asks Eve. We are in the kitchen after eating dinner; Mom knows whats she's doing with her food. 

"I mean in Mexico I was just angry and I hated him, but that was another person." Eve says typing up some homework on her laptop. Susan is taking her to California to see Owen in prison, the first time since she nearly killed him in Mexico. Owen was out of his mind though, I hope he can clear things with Eve and Susan about what the hell happened to him last summer.

I've been a little skeptical ever since one of the hackers told me to keep an eye out on Alice. I love her with all my heart and it breaks me to doubt her, but something just seems off. The other night she was downstairs in the office until very late hours. She also seems to know where I be at because yesterday, after school, I went down to a festival behind Mom's back with Marie, Lisa and some other people; Alice randomly called to ask where I left the car keys to the Audi and without me mentioning where I was at, she told me to 'have fun and be safe.'"

I don't want to alarm the crew with my suspicions for now.

"I wonder what grandmother will do when she sees Dad?" Eve says, startling from my thoughts and my gaze upon Alice. I start laughing because I know Susan is going to pull him by the ears or something like that. Suddenly Alice gets a call. I take a glimpse at her phone and the area code is 206. She quickly picks up the phone and excuses her self as she stands up and walks away from the kitchen. I can't help but suspect.

"Alice is always busy now. She didn't even want to come shopping with me today." Eve says upset. I nod as I pick up my phone and search the area code 206. It's from Washington DC. I thought she wasn't handling any CIA  business while down here?

"Right. She's always busy." I say in suspicion. Alice comes back after a few minutes.

"Sorry about that. One of my friends from Washington wanted to ask me something." Alice says sitting back down. Why would one of her friends not be under a contact name? I know I have to somehow get a hold of Alice's phone to answer all my mysterious questions. I will take my chances when she's not aware. That's the thing though, she is always aware of everything and probably plans everything accordingly. 

"Rosie? You just won't clean your room?" Mom says making her way into the kitchen, distracting me from my thoughts. I put my phone down.

"Sorry Mom. I've been so busy lately with school." I say. Obviously I'm lying, I'm just lazy and suspecting that my best fiend is doing shady shit. 

"Well, clean it up before I don't let you go to Washington on Saturday with Chris and the crew." She says threatening me. She knows where my weakness are. I kind of  totally forgot that tomorrow we head out to DC to talk to Simmons, it slipped my mind with all the Alice suspicions.

"Fine, I'll clean it." I say. I stand up form my chair and before I leave the kitchen, she kisses my cheek. I still can't get over Alice's weird behavior lately, I am so getting to the bottom of this one way or another.

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