Night gets better

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"Can I come in?" Mom knocks on my door as I put on some joggers and a T-shirt. I am really pissed. I probably looked like a fool in front of Sean's family. I lean towards my bathroom mirror and fix my makeup.

"Yes, come in." I say wiping away the traces of mascara in my face. I haven't shed one tear, I do this thing in where I don't cry, I let it build up.

"Listen. Fighting won't fix anything. He's been very hurt lately." Mom says leaning in my bathroom door. She is so beautiful with her short, white dress, and plaid black hair. She doesn't even need to try, she glows no matter what she has on.

"Yeah, because Alice won't text him." I sarcastically say, scowling

"No, because, its hard coming to normality after a crazy summer. You guys went to school and had your mind off things, Chris had nothing to distract himself with. He really feels alone. I don't know how to help him." She says, her voice shaking. She looks down at her hands. "Sometimes I feel like it's my fault. Maybe I'm not being supportive..."

"Mom, no." I say dropping my makeup remover towel, and walking to hug her. "Chris has a difficult personality. It's not the first time we fight like this. I just don't know what to do either."

"I'm sure you can find something, mi hija. You know him so much better than me." She says pulling away and gently caressing my face. "Now get ready its almost twelve." Mom leaves the room and I just leave my hair out and fix my make up a bit. I see texts messages from Melvin, Sean and Eve asking me if I am okay and if I am going to murder Chris. I grin to myself. They really do care for me. I then go downstairs and pass by Chris sitting on the last step of the stairs.

"Rosie-" He starts to say. Ha, I am not here for his apologies, he can save them.

"Don't even-" I say walking past him and make my way outside. He's a little too old to be making those kinds of tantrums.

"Well, there goes the new year look." Eve says with a sad face as I walk out.

"I have to talk to Chris. He's gone nuts." Sean says as he embraces me in a hug.

"It's whatever." I say as everyone prepares for the countdown. We do the whole Happy New Years thing and Sean and I kiss. I refuse to eat the grapes though. I don't even like grapes. Everyone starts cheering and all. I'm still a bit pissed though but I go around wishing every one a Happy New Year, even if mine hasn't exactly started as happy.

As everyone parties the night away, the squad and I retire a little bit and hit the basketball court near the pool along with Sean's siblings and some of Melvin's cousins.

"So we just going to pretend like you not doing some things behind her our back?" Eve says sarcastically but deep down I know her and Sean are a bit shocked that I wouldn't reveal my plans without asking opinions first.

"Hm, ya'll right." Sean says walking near the outside of the court.

"I'm sorry. Melvin and I were going to tell ya'll-" I stop dribbling the basketball.

"Melvin? You knew?" Sean asks a bit shocked and hurt.

"Yeah, but look, we were just trying to get a short lead. Chris made it seem like we had it all figured out..." Melvin says stealing the ball from one of his little cousins who is good at ball. He then hits a lay up and dunks on top of the poor little boy, Alex, I think his name is.

"Well, it's true. I'm sure you guys wanted to make sure everything worked out well before doing anything stupid." Eve says giving Melvin a high-five after the lay up.

"Doesn't justify why you would not at least mention it to me first." Sean says and now I am getting heated all over again.

" I don't have to tell you every move I make, you know." I say stepping off the concrete court to join Sean.

"Hacking the CIA? That is something you would want to check with us first..." Sean says.

"I just didn't want to worry ya'll. We were finally far gone from that kind of life, I didn't want to involve ya'll."

"Guys, it's not that deep." Melvin says, stepping off the court and joining us, along with Eve.

"No, it is that deep because Rosie might get in trouble allover again for doing some stupid shit." Sean says looking at me bitterly.

"I don't care Sean! Do you even know who I am? I want to find Deckard and Alice and I was going to tell ya'll after I at least had a lead on Alice." I angrily say. "See, this is why I didn't want to tell you. You were going to stop me and make me do 'the right thing'. Guess what? I don't follow rules. Thought you knew that."

I hold his gaze for a couple of seconds and then I leave. I am in flames. My temper has gone off the roof.

"Rosie, wait." Sean says following behind me.

I am walking fast, letting him know that I don't want to talk anymore. I am not going to my room or inside the house. Instead I walk around the patio to the garage. I enter the code to gain access to the garage and I walk in.

"Are you seriously mad at me?" He says coming after me. I search for the White GTR's keys in the very well, organized, car key display Chris has. I ignore Sean and walk right past him to the second part of the garage that has some of the cars. I see the GTR and hop in. Sean tries to stop me from entering the car.

"You are not going to ignore me and leave like this. Grow up." He says and I honestly don't care, I need to get out of this place before I burn the house down. First my brother and now my boyfriend, I need some Rosie time.

"Sean, let me go. You know what I need. I'll be back." I say as I hop in the car and turn it on.

"Don't come home late. God you're stubborn." He says before the garage opens and I speed off. So what if I'm stubborn, he decided to fall in love with me and all my attitudes, and now he has to accept me. I drive off to who knows where I just needed to get out of there. I think about finding Alice, Deckard's sudden imprisonment, Susan's mysterious self, and if I might end up in jail for doing crazy shit. I ended up crashing a party at Marie's house. She is one of my friends from school. I told her I was over the people at my party and she told me to slide by. I park the car in front of her house and wait in the front yard.

"Nice outfit." Marie says sarcastically making her way outside. She is obviously drunk. Lisa, my other friend who happens to be Marie's girlfriends comes out the front yard too.

"It's a long story." I say. I almost forgot Chris had thrown me in the pool earlier.

"Come in!" Lisa says with a rolled blunt in her hand. I walk up to her. She offers me the blunt and I take a puff. I instantly feel better.

"So my friends down the block want to go down to the races tonight. Let's join." Marie says and I thought this night was never going to get better.

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