Dinner with the Director

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"Rosie, I thought you guys were coming back today. You have school tomorrow." Mom says through the phone. I sort of told her we were actually going to get back tomorrow and not tonight. I told her the director wanted to meet us.

"Mom, it's the director of the CIA..." I say trying to calm her down.

"Put Chris on the phone. He is going to hear it." She says and I silently giggle as I pass the phone to Melvin so he can pass it to the passenger seat. Alice decided to drive the SUV. 

"She about to curse him in Spanish." Sean whispers next to me and we all laugh. I can hear Mom yelling at him and I am in the third row. After a few sighs from Chris and a lot of yelling from Mom, she hung up. Mom can be overprotective sometimes butt hat what we love so much about her.  We review the plan one more time. The first part is getting that ID and kidnapping John whatever his last name is. Chris and I are on to that.  It's still an hour left until the event starts.

We park the SUV a few blocks away from the Museum. Melvin makes sure we are on comms or online to the server so that we can communicate and so that he and Alice can see everything from their computer. Chris and I grab a loaded gun. I hide mine under my dress, its pretty small. We walk to the back of the museum where the service people from the event go through.  I take a quick glance at my phone to see how John P looks like.

"Quick and easy." Chris says as we see two service people outside the doors taking things inside the museum.

"Hey! I am looking for John-uh" 

"Palkin." Melvin helps me out.

"... Palkin." I repeat in a whole different dialect. "He is working here tonight." I say to a young African-American girl. She looks at us confused because we are all dressed up. She looks to the older male next to her.

"She's so confused." Melvin says.

"I don't really know the people working here. But how does he look like?" The girl says and I show her the picture on my phone. She nods and says she knows who he is. She tells me she will go and inside and look for him. A few moments later John comes out.

"Hi, I'm Chris and this my sister Rosie. We would like to discuss something and give you an offer." Chris says all creepy. He sucks at talking. John looks at us confused as hell. He has short brown hair and is very young, probably 19ish.

"Uh, how do you know my name?" John says and then Chris gets out his gun indiscreetly.

"Look buddy, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Just come with us." Chris says uncomfortably close to John. I roll my eyes.

"Don't tell me he took out the g-" Alice starts to say through my ear piece.

"He took out the gun." I confirm holding my ear piece.  John is obviously shitting his pants as we make our way back to the SUV. 

"Hey John. Look sorry about that." Melvin says as we enter and I close the door behind him. John keeps saying he has to go back to work since he has a contract. We tell him that we need his ID and that he has to be far away from the event tonight. Chris writes him a check, double the money he was going to make tonight.

"I literally missed a date night with my boyfriend and went trough an annoying background check for this job..." John says taking the check.

"We are doing this for a good cause. Just never mention this to anyone, or I'll have to threaten you again, cool?" Chris says touching his gun. I laugh.

"I'm sorry." I say. "It's just...nevermind." Alice takes John's ID and makes a replica with Sean's face on it. She prints it out in the whole system she placed in the trunk of the SUV. Sean is all set to be an undercover waiter tonight. 

"Love you." I say as I kiss Sean before he heads out.

"Awe." John says. We then tell him to leave and that we placed a tracker on his phone in case he decides to betray us and ruin our plan. He promised no to though. I'm surprised he was threatened by Chris and things went smooth, I was ready for a full on kidnap, guy in the van, type shit. We now wait for Sean to confirm he is inside the building. Anxiety kicks in a bit because we need him undercover in there. Some minutes later, he checks back in. 

"I'm in. This is weird, I don't know where to go. Time to make friends." Sean says and we let out a sigh of relief. We wait a few more minutes until the event starts inside the SUV. We park the SUV close enough to walk. We walk in and are greeted nicely by the host.

"Aren't there supposed to be five of ya'll?" The tall guy asks.

"Yeah, Sean stayed. He was feeling ill." Alice says sounding convincing as hell. No wonder she was lied to us and shit hasn't been discovered. I haven't forgotten about last night and the fact that Alice is spying on us.  I look down at my bracelet. Has she noticed that the tracker inside the bracelet missing? I don't think so; we have been very busy today. 

We walk in and sit at our table. A few moments later, Simmons walks in with Sarah. He sits at our table.

"Where's Sean?" Simmons asks. Alice tells him the lie and he nods silently. Simmons ain't buying it of course; he knows we up to something. Sean won't come out to be a waiter at all any ways, he will find the camera room of this place and hack it all; the whole disguise thing was just in case he does get seen by Simmons or the director or anyone else. 

"Hopefully he feels well." Simmons says with a little grin. He is the best at making things hella awkward. I text the group chat we have to see if Sean has entered the camera room yet. He texts back saying everything is all set. Since obviously we can't bee seen talking to our earpieces, we started a group chat. In a few, Melvin is going to leave this event and break into the Russian's apartment a few blocks away. Alice texts in the group chat. 

Alice: Melvin, make sure you say that you are receiving an important call from your Mom's nurse.

Me: That's a good lie.

Melvin: Got ya. Btw, Simmons knows what we going on cuz the staring is creepy...

I look up from my phone and act unbothered. Simmons then asks us to follow him to meet the director of the CIA, who is obviously under some drinks because he was little too excited to meet us.

"Let me just say, over the surface of course, we are delighted for you all. Thank you, we hope to always keep you with us." The old guy says after he shook all our hands. Sure, meeting the director was great and all, but we are in the middle of a mission here and he just talks and talks.

"The freaking Russian is two table away. Dark brown hair with a black and brown suit. He is with a girl in red." Sean says on comms. I glance at the table and see the guy. I hope Melvin gets the memo and takes this a sign to get ready to be out.

"...I told Simmons, 'This is crazy, we have never done anything like it'. Turns out that it was a great decision." The director says still talking. I don't even know what he is talking about. 

"We are thankful honestly. After, going from place to place-" I say trying to act like I am interested. I give Melvin a look hoping he gets his plan ready. "...hotel to hotel. Everything turned out good." I purposely emphasized the hotel part for Melvin. That dummy doesn't know what I meant of course because he says.

"Remember the hotel in MI6 in London?!" He says laughing it up with the director and Simmons. "That hotel was bomb."

Suddenly, Melvin's phone goes off, probably Sean calling from another number. Thank god.

"I'm so sorry director, I have to take this call. It's my mom's nurse. Excuse me." Melvin says. The director tells him to go, that its fine. Melvin picks up his phone and makes his way outside.

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