New York

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"First class is always lit. I got used to this life already." Melvin says as board off the plane. It is early in the morning as we land in New York. It is a bit chilly compared to Florida, but not as much; it is only early May here. 

"Melvin doesn't know how to act now that he rich." Sean says joking around. We hop into SUV supplied by the CIA, and two agents, and we head to the location Simmons gave them. We are going to see Susan before we see Deckard and Owen.

"So our whole family is just spies?" Chris comments as we make our way from JFK. New York is so beautiful, but crowded as hell.

"Yup." I respond. "Too bad we got trapped into the tradition too." 

"I've never been to New York. This is so cool!" Sean says as she looks out the window. We are now inside the city, around Harlem. I'm glad they are getting to live this experience. I guess doing what we do comes with some benefits other than the money. 

"Alright so...Detour." Alice says. "I hate this ugly SUV, no offense agents. But, I have something better." We suddenly head to this garage looking building. There, in front of us, are six beautiful cars waiting. All shapes and colors.

"Fuck yes!" I say as I hop out the SUV. It's with that love at first sight that I spot a red Ferrari 458 waiting for me to ride, and I don't mean it int hat way. Adrenaline kicks in before I even hop inside the car. I am excited all ready. 

"Simmons said don't violate any transit rules, or crash." Alice said and we laugh. We will try to behave.   

Seeing Susan:

"She should be up in this apartment building. Or maybe she left already." Eve says looking down at her GPS. Hopefully Susan is up here. The building is in a decay stage, it is no where near a one star. I wonder why Susan is hospitalized in this place but whatever. Chris, Eve, and  go up as the rest stay down in the lobby. There is no one in the lobby; what type of apartment building is this?

We reach the 6th floor and try to find the apartment number Alice gave us. We find it and we knock.

"Watch her be like 'My grandchildren?! What are you doing here?'" Chris says trying to imitate her accent. He low-key nailed it. Eve and I laugh as Susan suddenly opens the door.

"My grandchildren?! What in the bloody hell are you three doing here?" She says shocked. 

"Magdalene Shaw. You are a liar." I say trying to sound as serious as possible. She swallows hard.

"I knew this would happen sooner or later. God damn, come in, and call your friends up from downstairs too." She says as we follow. I text Melvin to come up.

"You really thought we weren't going to find out?" Eve asks as she leans on a broken couch.

"Not exactly. I thought you guys would find out sooner." She says pouring herself a glass of whiskey. 

"And you drink? Where is Susan?" Chris says and we laugh.

"Oh please, shut it. Of course I drink. Anyway, I hoped the CIA would've left me alone after so many years, but instead, they made my grandchildren their agents. Arses." Susan says annoyed. The crew makes their way up and then Susan just fills us in on why she was in NY in the first place. She tells us that she aided with that racer Deckard hated so much, that now he doesn't hate as much to save his kid or something like that. And that Owen surprisingly helped.She gives us the address on where to find Deckard.


"I'm never riding with you again." Susan says to Melvin as we make our way up this nice apartment building.

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