Clearing it UP

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"Hey Crew." Alice says calmly as we all just look at her. "I heard what happened already, and I have a lot to explain."

"I don't think I want to." Chris whispers to me as he turns around. I know we are all hurt, but not as much as Chris.

"Man the fuck up and stop being a lil bitch." I whisper back. He turns back around and nods. We are escorted inside the house.

"Before anything, don't blame Sean. We all know how the game works. He was simply doing a job, and yes, we promised not do inside job between the crew, but this was just too big of a deal." We are spread out inside this house that's falling apart. I am sitting next to Sean and Chris on the couch. Melvin and Eve are sitting on the stairs. Simmons is standing next to Alice.

"I have gotten official clearance to reveal the mission. Don't ask how, but this is very crucial and might change a lot of things for your family." Alice sharing glances between Chris, Eve and I. "I was assigned after our mission in the summer to gather intel on Susan." I look over at Eve confused. What Susan do now? "Susan's real name is Magdalene Shaw and she is a special agent for the England's MI6, and has been for the past thirty years of her life."

"What?! Wait, no." Eve says standing up shocked. I am surprised, but not much. Come on, a secret tunnel under her house? That gives it away.

"Yes. But it gets more intense than that, the CIA has her under their radar because they think she filtered information and worked undercover in many cases on Ralph Shaw. She might have violated some international rules because she got in the middle of investigations. But they weren't sure, that is where I stepped in. The past few months, yes I have been spying on all of you, but to get info on Susan. I also wanted to keep you guys safe; MI6 reported to the CIA that there are some friends of Ralph still out there looking for revenge."

I look at the crew. I knew there were more of Ralph's people out there.

"This is why I have been so secretive and cautious. And Sean was helping me keep you all safe too."

"So is Grandmother going to jail?" Eve asks concerned.

"No, she is clean." Simmons answers. " We gathered enough information to conclude that she actually found loop holes in her undercover days and actually did not violate any law. She, Magdalene, is a hell of agent I tell you." He says impressed.

"Then why she didn't stop Ralph?" Chris asks, finally speaking. I'm asking myself the same question. Married to Ralph, then being undercover to get him in jail. I give it to Susan. I have a bad ass grandmother.

"Because at that point, it was our case and our mission only." Simmons answers.

"Moral of everything. I love you all. This is one of those hard times we will have to face as agents, and why do you think Simmons gave me this specific case?"

"They are mad at you, you passed the test." Simmons says sarcastically but no one laughs. They always trying to give tests; didn't we prove with our lives that we can be trusted. Then I think of us hacking the Simmons might have a point after all.

It's true what Alice says though, now that I understand what she was doing better, I cannot hold her against it. She was doing her job, same goes for Sean. Of course I forgive them.

"Well, I got pulled from my favorite class for this." I stand up with a small smile but then I turn serious. "Sorry Alice, this was hard for all of us, but I cannot imagine how hard it was for you. You know I love you." I say pulling her in for a hug. In like a second, Eve comes to join the hug, then Melvin, then Sean, then Chris, and finally Simmons places his hand on us.

We agreed to write a document in where we agree, with the CIA's approval, not to do undercover missions on each other again. We sign it and give it to Simmons. This can be the start of a new chapter for us.

"Thank god you cleared this up, because Chris cried everyday." Melvin says joking around and Chris throws something at him.

"And we are back." Alice says laughing.

"Alright, I promised Tashey we would go visit her and Alex today so ya'll coming?" I say checking my phone.

"Tashey?" Alice asks confused.

"I'll explain on the way." Chris says as we make our way out. I take the opportunity to ask Simmons about Deckard and he actually tells me vital information instead of saying it goes against the rules or something.

"I arranged a trip for New York tomorrow, that's where he is right now, if you want to go." Simmons says and I smile.

"Sims you are the best sometimes." I say walking out the house.

"I try, my child." He says putting his shades on. He hops in his own SUV with some agents, including the ones that brought us here. He's being that cliche agent save the day again.

"Au revoir." Simmons says as he waves and hops in the SUV.

"Rendez-vous demain." I say waving back.

"Ren who?" Melvin asks confused.

I laugh. "I learned a bit of French in the Academy."

"Wait, why did you say you will see him tomorrow. Where are we going?" Chris asks.

"Pour la grosse pomme, mais ne dites rien." (To the big apple, but don't say anything)

"Je n'aime pas les secrets." (I don't like secrets) Eve says from the back seat. "You might as well say it."

"Am I the only one that doesn't know French here?" Melvin says annoyed. We laugh.

"No, you are not alone. I am confused. Where are we going tomorrow?" Sean says.

"New York." I say. "To see Deckard."

"Che diavolo?" (Italian: What the hell?) Chris says changing the language.

"That's Italian, dummy." I say. "But yeah, Simmons found him. So whoever wants to come."

"How do yo say 'Obviously' in French?" Melvin asks Eve.

"Evidemment." Eve answers him.

"Rosie, eveddemant." Melvin says trying to pronounce it. We just start laughing.

Later on:

"Name a place?" Chris tells Alex. We arrived to the small apartment the city is temporarily providing for Tashey and Alex. I introduced Sean, Alice and Eve to them. On out way here we explained everything to them.

"You don't have to-" Tashey starts to say.

"No, we will." I say

"I always thought Boston was cool." Alex says nervously. He's from the streets yet he's so shy.

"It's cold, but very far from here. No one will try to find you." Chris says.

"We will have everything arranged then." I say. Tashey starts to cry. "You will both move to Boston next week."

"Here." Chris says getting out his checking booklet. He scribbles real quick and hands it to Alex."I hope it's enough to buy some groceries, clothes, and get whatever you need for the baby."

Alex looks at the check and claims he can't accept it. We make him take it though, in fact I ask Chris for his booklet too. I take the pen and write the amount of $15,000. I hand it to Alex.

"This is you can start your own little business or something if you cannot find a job. If you ever need more, don't hesitate in asking." I say. It brings tears to my eyes because they both have struggled a lot. Although money cant buy happiness, it can buy it for the time being.

"When we graduate, why don't we open a shelter to foster children, to help them get jobs and an education and stuff?" Sean says as we walk down the stairs of the apartment.

"That's a great idea!" I say agreeing.

"Why does it have to be when you graduate. Matter of fact, let's open it as soon as possible. I know Mom would be down to be CEO or something." Chris says and we smile in agreement.

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