Au revoir

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It is with a deep sentiment that I say goodbye to the Miles Per Hour series. It all started with an idea four years ago that transformed into something I will always take with me. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you. To those that have read all three books. I look forward to hearing from you guys. Let me know what you took from the Series.

I am 18 now, and sure, 14 year old me had an idea of what MPH would turn into, but I never expected it to be so close to my heart. In these books I added a little bit of me to each character and situation.

I love you,

Yami Jaquez

FMOI: Yami_jaquez

P.s. I actually am debating to start a new book with Rosie grown up? Yes or no?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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