Kick Ass

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"I'm making my way to the apartment." Melvin says on comms. The director is still talking of course, so it's hard to hear. 

"Alright, Alice time to flirt and steal these guy's car keys and his wallet if possible." Sean says and I hear him clicking on keyboards. I don't know how he got control of the camera room if this is all under government supervision, but he did it.

"...the FBI even reached out. I was like "No, why are you-" Simmons states. This is literally the longest conversation ever.

"I liked working with the FBI, but they were so fast paced." I say and the director laughs.

"They are always trying to take our people." He says talking with his hands, at the same time holding a glass of wine. "Rosie, you are just a warrior. Escaping boarding school huh?"

"She learnt it from me." Chris says and everyone laughs. I am obviously fake laughing; that was not funny at all.

"So, you are the bad influence here?" The director says laughing again. Boy this guys laughs a lot. After standing for like 20 minutes, Melvin finally reaches the apartment and our conversation with the director ends. We are now eating dinner at our table. Alice casually walks over to the bar where the Russian guy is.

"I have like 30 minutes before another set of secret service dudes walk in here and sees me." Sean says. "Hurry the fuck up."

"Um, flirting takes a while you know." Alice responds.

"Melvin is having a lengthy conversation." Sarah says casually. Simmons nods.

"I know, his Mom is just very sick." I say. I text Melvin to see if he has found anything in the apartment.

"This guy has a lot of junk, but he is not working alone. The girl he is with seems to be part of the government and she is helping him steal shit from the government. I downloaded all intel from his computers and I placed cameras all around the apartment." Melvin says. "Out I go."

I am happy Melvin got what we needed, now to complete everything, he needs to get out of there. Alice is talking it up with the Russian dude, hopefully she stole those keys.

"Alice in shark mode? Nice." Simmons says watching Alice. I'm glad he feels proud because Chris is almost losing it seeing his girlfriend flirt with another guy.

"You know." I say ask Simmons. I'm talking about the mission and the fact that Melvin is doing some mission work.

"No one knows?" He says discreetly. He is talking about the mission too and that he understand that Melvin is doing something important and that's why he is taking so long. This is code language baby.

"No one." I assure him. We might have broken a couple of laws, but a mission is a mission. Alice comes back a bit disappointed. She shakes her head and whispers in my ear.

"I'm pretty sure the girl has the keys. I got close enough to check his pockets and nothing." She says taking a deep breath in. I text in the group chat.

Me: Sean, run the security cameras. Is he parked where we pin pointed on the map last night?

"Yeah, south parking, level 1, lot 26A." Sean says on comms.  "Try to get to the girls purse then. Her name is Amanda."

Chris: Is there a way to get her to the bathroom or outside?

"Unless you hack her phone and send her a creepy message telling her to meet you in the bathroom or something...." Melvin suggests on comms and I actually think its not a bad idea. Alice is good at this hacking networks or whatever she does so she is the one that sends the message and I am the one that will meet Amanda in the bathroom.

I excuse myself from the table and make my way to the bathroom. I touch my earpiece.
"Alright on your cue Alice. I am making my way-" Suddenly the director stops me.

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