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Loyalty has been tested a lot in the crew in various moments. Alice proved to break that recently  and it hurts like hell. She was my best friend, my brother's girlfriend...I don't understand what was so important that she had to lie to us. In the midst of finding out what the why though, someone else betrayed the crew.

"Alright which one of ya'll was it because I am not putting up with this shit anymore." Chris says. I've seen him get mad, but not as angry like this. A moment of silence passes in which we all just stare at each other back and forth. I don't trust a lot of people, but I do trust my race crew. I want to believe so bad that they didn't do me dirty.

And then it happens.

"It was me." Sean says and I feel hotness rolling from my head down to every point of the body. My skin is invaded with goosebumps. "I called Alice and let her know we were coming." There's so much happening inside me right now. Eve steps away from his side, Melvin stays frozen, and Chris has to be held back before he starts a whole fight.

"Rosie, it's not-" Sean tries to reach for my arm.

"Don't fucking touch me." I say stepping away from him. I just need Simmons to continue explaining what the hell is going on. I'll deal with Sean later. Simmons can't reveal what the mission is until Alice comes back, but in his words, it's nothing too serious. This means it is serious.

"Don't take it out on Sean. He can't say what it is Alice is doing but it's all to protect you in the end." Simmons says.

"Bullshit." Chris says before walking out the building.

"Why did Alice need to spy on us? What? You don't trust us?" Eve says annoyed. Simmons says its not about trust but assurance. I don't even know what that means but after he's done talking we hop back in the SUV's. I walk back slow, trying to capture everything. And then I think back on the night we met up with the hackers and how they told me to keep an eye out on Alice. I payed no attention to it, but it is all processing right now.

In the SUV, Sean tries to explain himself and all but I am far to pissed to hear him out. We have our phones back, of course they took the USB where I downloaded everything.

"When did you know about Alice and the mission?" Melvin asks Sean. Right now, he is the only one talking to Sean. Chris is in the passenger seat because he can't contain himself.

"Since she started it. Simmons reached out to keep things in check down there. Listen, I know this is fucked up, but I'm serious, the reason behind all this is actually to help out."  I don't care what the reason is, he really was pretending for so long. I now what undercover is, and I respect it, but he was not undercover, he was pretending.

I've sacrificed a lot to try to get intel on Alice and keep the crew safe, it's just hard to believe that Sean, my Sean, would let this little play go on for so long. I know I might be overthinking, and that is not that deep, but I've been through too much shit to have my closest people lying to me. I can go up and down saying it was the CIA's fault for putting this on them, but I don't know all the details yet, so until I do, I'm just not even going to speak to Sean.

We get on the private jet and in two hours we are back in Miami. That plane ride was the most awkward thing ever. No one spoke, we all pretended to sleep but I know we were thinking about the situation. Once we get to Miami we head back to the prom which is finishing at this point. I stop to get Haylee's fries and burgers and she's excited as hell. The only thing that ease the pain right now is some fast cars.

"Call up the squad, Im on tonight." I tell Melvin while sitting at the table.

"Say less." He says. In the midst of all this, the one thing that low-key brightened me up was the official announcement of Eve and Melvin. Finally these two became a thing.

They leave from the table to get the car ready. I'm left with Sean, alone.

"You can't ignore me forever." He says trying to start a conversation.

"Sure I can."

"Stop being petty."

"Sean, just don't talk to me." I say about to stand up.

"I guess it's over then. Because I'm doing my job?" He says in a way that throws me off.

"Your job? Tell me when you get hired to lie to your girlfriend again. Goodnight, I'm leaving with Melvin." I say getting my shit and leaving.

"You have lied too Rosie...Don't play innocent." He backfires and I stop for a second. I think about my options. I could ignore him and walk out to enjoy a race tonight. I could confront his comment and argue until my point is made. I could kiss him because I love him and I hate arguing. I take a deep breath.

I initially pick to race.

Later that night...

I take my heels off and put them in the passenger seat. This yellow, little, Ford Mustang is not going to hold up, but with a good driver like me, I can do something with it. I mean, a car is what the driver makes it. I'm going against four other racers, they are cool peoples and we doing it or fun. I'm glad Melvin hooked me up to race because I needed it. On the count of three, I leave all the anger and use it on the wheels. I am in love with speed, it's my addiction. Adrenaline takes over and I feel like I am floating through the streets.  At the end of the race I don't win, but it felt so damn good I didn't even care.

There was something about tonight's race that shook me. I can't deny and say I am still mad at the situation, but am I really? I mean, Sean would never do anything to hurt me, and yet here we are being petty and ignoring each other because he was assigned to do something. It was me who dragged him in the whole CIA thing in the first place. I lean on the car, barefoot, thinking about it all. I am only 16 years old dealing with problems and going through situations adults go through. I don't wan't to waste my youth, and I don't want Sean to waste it either

Racing is what keeps me young, I love Sean, but we are robbing each other's youth by being in such a serious relationship. I have lost myself, or maybe I've grown and matured. I feel like I am living my best life surrounded by the worst one. Nothing seems to really bring me what I need. I have a huge gap inside that I don't even know what can fill it. In a second, I think about the fact that through all this I have lost Alice, my best friend, because of all the doubts and problems. I sometimes wish for things to be the way they were, but we are past that already.

I burrow the yellow mustang to get back to prom. I want to tell Sean all of this now that my mind is a bit more clear. I want to let him know all I've been feeling. On my way there though something catches my attention and I have to stop the car.

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