Before the "big" Escape

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Months Later:

A summer ago, I was jumping fences, running away from Boarding School. It was probably the best decision I made in a while. I learned about life, I witnessed people die, I matured.

Simmons took us into the CIA with the idea of just using us once, but little did he know. Even if I hated his long speeches and his stalking, I admire him for his work and all he has done for us. 

I met Sean, who became a very important person to me. His love and care grounded me and made me realize that there are good people on this planet capable of loving. 

I helped Alice escape the dreams her parents had for her, and urged her to find her own passion. She know has a promising future with the United States Government. 

I reconnected with Melvin, but differently. We were wild lovers once, not knowing what we wanted. But last year, I met a more real Melvin who would do anything for his people. 

I let go of the family feud with Eve and saw the real her. It took a while for us to connect, but once we did, we became more than cousins. We became sisters. 

I tried my best to keep Chris from dong dumb stuff. I love my brother for who he is, and I am glad he matured as well, even if took him falling in love with my best friend.

More happened, especially finding Mom and discovering Deckard's truth. We found Ralph's illegal businesses and Susan's secret life. 

 It was a crazy year. This summer was amazing though, the best I have had in a while. Less missions, more racing.

But these are thoughts that pass through my head as I pack my things. I look down at my plane ticket once more, here goes another crazy decision. 

"Rosie? Are you ready?" Eve says as she too takes out her suitcase from her room. I don't know if I'm ready, but I know I need it.

"We better not miss that flight." Susan says from downstairs.

It's time for a change. I've felt great, but I've felt lost. This time, I plan to escape to find what I truly need. 

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