Chapter 22

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Alright people! This one is a bit shorter, but I have something planned tonight so I had to stop at 5k this time! 

Remember how I was excited about reaching the 71k reads last week? WELL WE REACHED 77k IN JUST ONE WEEK! You guys are awesome, I love you!!

Let's do this people :P!


Camila was finally asleep, it was nearly 4am, now, but Lauren felt relief at the small achievement. Sleep hadn't managed to slacken her latch, but Lauren knew better that to try to move her now. She would still suckle on her breast from time to time, seeking comfort even lost in the abyss of sleep. She wished she could do more, but for now it was all she had.

 She wished she could do more, but for now it was all she had

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The whole evening had been hard. The bath had done little to calm her down, so Lauren had decided to let her nurse. Like the very first time they had done it, it had comforted her in no time. For dinner she had quickly let go of the idea of cooking a normal meal, and had instead heated up a soup, and then put it in her bottle. Safely hidden in her room, as she had asked her mom to give Camila privacy and to keep Sofi away so she wouldn't have to see her big sister so distraught, she was able to care for her baby just the way she wanted. She had washed her, dried her, put her in her pull up and pajamas, Camila had even let her dry her hair, and pull it in a long braid. She had then drank her whole bottle without much fuss, and let Lauren tuck her in bed with her. That's when the tears had picked up again, and Lauren had quickly opened up her shirt, letting Camilla snuggle close, making both of them calm down. Lauren could swear she had felt her breasts throb with Camila's little sobs, but it had stopped as soon as she had latched on.

The soreness in her breasts now gone and her baby peacefully sleeping by her side, Lauren was able to finally fall asleep herself, her exhaustion finally getting the best of her. Just as she was drifting, she felt a little suckle against her skin that made her smile as she fell into oblivion.

Unfortunately, she woke up a few hours later to the sound of whimpers and sniffles.


She felt her press her little body against hers at the sound of her voice, her wet cheeks going in to nuzzle her neck.

"...He's gone, mama..."

"I know, baby...It's okay..."

Seeing her baby in this state was breaking her heart, it made her feel so helpless, what could she do against something as powerful as grief?

"...Nursin' mama!"

"Wait a second baby..."

Camila just started whining, her tears picking up again as Lauren was sitting up properly.

"Shh, it's okay baby, see? Now you can nurse."

That turned her sobs into little sniffles as she nuzzled back against her breast, but did not move to pull it in her mouth. Lauren grabbed it gently in her hand, and gently pulled it to put it in front of her mouth. As that moment, something unexpected happened. It started with just a tingling feeling in both her breasts, and then as she lightly pressed on it for Camila to latch on, a drop appeared on her nipple. Lauren froze. The silence of the night made it seem as if the world had stopped spinning for an instant, even Camila's sniffles had stopped.

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