1- One Cup of Coffee

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The library was unbelievably noisy today. It was a library after all, and the quietness was nonexistent right now. There were piles of freshman in the library. Today was most definitely not the right day to come to the library. My senior project was close to being finished. Actually, I just wanted to come look at it again. In the all honest truth, I was bored and needed something to do. The project was finished two days ago. But today, I seemed energetic and ready for the day.

As I walked in, I saw many kids looking over their stuff and making perfection. I waved to one of the three librarians. The place was huge. Quietly, I made my way to the elevator and rode to the "fourth floor". To others, there was no such things as the fourth floor. To regular students, the library only had three stories. I think they forgot about small attic that was present. Oh well, more room for me I guess. It was like uncharted territory. No one was ever there and I don't see why because place rocked. The cafe on the other three floors connected with it and it was never full.

Not so much room I figured when I stepped off the elevator. A guy was sitting at one of the computers. Luckily he didn't look up, giving me the chance to slip into the back corner I basically claimed as my own. Twenty minutes into "doing my project", I heard foul cursing. I brushed it off but I was soon worried about the poor guy. I peeped around the corner and saw that his cup of coffee was empty and his project's model was crooked. Maybe if he shifted it to the right ever so slightly, then it would work.

I got up and walked to the small cafe located across the hall. It was a connection to the third floor Starbucks. No one was ever there. I walked to the barista and placed an order. She asked me for a name to put on the cup. I looked back at the guy as I heard more foul words.

"It couldn't be." I said to myself with a shocked face. The guy pulled his hands through his hair and I most definitely knew who it was. His biceps were still tattooed to the max and that brown hair still looked fluffy as ever. I turned to the barista.

"His name. Put his name." I said to her a little bit forcefully. She jumped a bit but then chuckled. She probably thought I was crazy.

"And what would his name be?" She asked. I cleared my throat and leaned in closer.

"Tyler Caldwell." I said and walked off but quickly turned around.

"Don't call his name out, I'll take it to him." I told her. She nodded with a smile. What am I doing? I haven't seen this guy in three, almost four years. He was still fine as ever. Focus, Elle. Oh, right. Now is not the time to focus on your first love. I couldn't help it though. Memories flooded back in my head as I sat there and pondered.

"Psst." I heard someone whisper. I turned and the barista was holding the cup out to me. I smiled and took the cup. Quickly, I fixed my outfit. I wore a blue romper and sandals. My hair was really curly today, thanks to my foam rods. After turning to the barista for approval, I walked of his table.

I sat the coffee down on a napkin and stood in front of him. He looked up and almost instantly, I could tell he was stressed. A cup of coffee wouldn't hurt him. And if he said otherwise, I'd just tell him about those ugly bags under his eyes.

"You look like you need this. Oh and if you shift that small circle thingy to the right a bit, then your project will be fine." I said with a smile and walked away. I let out a breath as I walked away and went to pack my stuff. I walked past his table and pressed the elevator doors. If I knew Tyler like I knew him, he'd recognize me in three...two...one  Ding

"Wait!" I couldn't help but smile a little bit and stepped onto the elevator doors. Just as they closed I caught sight of him gathering his stuff and coming to towards the elevator. They closed successfully before he reached. In the elevator, I did a small happy dance. He recognized me. The smile was very apparent on my face. Why was I happy? I don't know. I had a whole boyfriend, sort of. Evan had too many high standards for my liking. Plus, I saw him on multiple occasions with his side girl. A breakup was headed his way soon. As in like two hours. I tried to be patient and wait it out but I couldn't. It was indeed time for a breakup.

I was almost to the door when someone grabbed my wrist. I turned and came face to face with that handsome blue eyed boy named Tyler.

"Elle." He breathed. I smiled.

"Hello, Tyler." I said. He smiled at me as he went from holding my wrist to my hand. Those blue eyes analyzed me as we stood there. Felt like high school all over again. This ain't high school, Elle.

"Three years and you still find a way to help me." He said with a chuckle. I shrugged and noticed the coffee in his hand.

"It's my thing, I guess. It looked like you needed some help." I told him. He nodded.

"Architecture is no joke. Especially when you're uncoordinated like me." He told me. I chuckled and placed a hand on his arm.

"You're uncoordinated most of the time." I said. He feigned hurt.

"And here I was thinking you were about to tell me something sweet." Tyler said. I shrugged with a smile.

"I've missed that smile." He said.

"Did you now?" I asked. He nodded and came closer.

"I visited home last year and I saw our hangout from that last month in high school. You've been on my mind ever since. Who would've known that you attended the same college as me." Tyler said with a smile. His words were sincere. I smiled and came a little closer.

"I would brag about how much I leave that affect on people but today, oddly enough, I can tell you that I feel the same exact way." I told him. His smile seemed to get bigger and my insides lit up even more. What are you doing?

"I would ask you if you're free on Friday but I know you are." He said. I looked at him confused and amused.

"You and I are going on a date." He said. I laughed.

"Still pushy as ever, I see." I said to him.

"Always." He told me and winked. Hm, Friday. I will have been single for almost forty eight hours by then. Does that make me seem, I don't know, slutty? I'm not even sure. But it's Tyler we're talking about. Let's play it safe, Elle.

"I'll get back to you on that one. But for now, give me your number and I'll text you sometime. I'm late for a breakup." I told him and handed my phone over. He typed the number in and saved it. I smiled and slowly let go his hand.

"Tyler Caldwell." I said with a big smile, backing away.

"Danielle Smith." He said with a smile just as big. I shook my head as I walked off, adding some extra sway to my walk. I came to the library out of boredom and let me tell you, when I walked out of there, that boredom was nowhere to be found. One cup of coffee instantly sparked something in my life.

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