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"How is this a honeymoon when we've basically already been having one?" I asked. Tyler looked up from his book and frowned.

"Me and you are alone. Ring a bell? This hasn't happened within the last year since we've reconnected." He said and turned a page. I nodded and crossed the room over to him.

"You're right, husband." I said and wrapped my arms around him. He kissed my hand and pulled me closer.

"I miss this but I wouldn't trade anything in the world for what we have already." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. I knew he was referring to Tyson.

"Listen at that proud daddy right there." I said. He smiled at me and kissed my hand.

"It can't get any better than this. My wife is my officially official spouse now, my son is getting bigger by the day, and I could have another little one on the way anytime soon." He said, smirking at the last part. I motioned for him to come to me. Tyler sauntered over to me, still smirking.

"You." I said with a slight smile.

"Yeah, babe?" He asked.

"You want more kids?" I asked but stated more than asked. His smirk turned into a full blown grin.

"Duh." He said, making me laugh.

"We can consider that." I said with a thinking face. He pulled me closer.

"There's not considering. I want a girl next, so let's go." He said and pulled me into the bedroom. I laughed as he did.



I looked at my beautiful wife as she slept. The moonlight shown through the window as the hours slowly crept by. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of what had happened within the last week. We were officially married and everything was slowly falling into place.

I thought about Tyson. We video chatted Elle's mom earlier. He was starting to smile more and no matter how many times Elle said he looked like me, I couldn't see it but I'm sure that if she was right, my boy was handsome. Elle stirred as she shifted in the bed. Slowly, she sat up and yawned. I smiled down at her as she looked up at me.

"I slept through dinner?" She asked. I chuckled.

"Well hey to you too." I said to her. She rolled her eyes. "And to answer your question, yes, you slept through dinner."

"Well I'm hungry babe." She said. I chuckled and stretched my arms.

"Well get up so we can get you some food babe." I told her and got up. After dressing in shorts and a nice shirt, Elle was ready to leave. She walked ahead of me to the elevators and hurried to push the down button. The hotel we stayed in had many restaurants to choose from. Elle chose a steakhouse that was known for their homemade ice cream. Of course we got some. After dinner, I persuaded her to take a walk around the city with me.

As we walked, I couldn't help but stare at her. She was beyond beautiful and it only seemed to get better by the day. From the way she swayed her hips when she walked, the way her hair blew in the wind, and even the way she'd crack a smile at me when she caught me looking. I loved her so much.

I wanted to ask her badly where she'd been all my life but I already knew the answer. She was with me from the very beginning. Even when neither of us knew each other. She was my everything and I made sure she knew it.


I peeked at Ty again as I spotted him staring once again. Every time I built up the courage to say something, I would hear him mutter something sweet about me. I finally found the courage to say something.

"You've been staring a lot tonight, and you've been saying sweet things. Anything on your mind?" I asked. He smiled and looked down at me.

"Oh nothing, just some realization." He said. I smiled and sighed.

"And what exactly was that realization?" I asked him. He grinned.

"That my love for you is undeniably real. I love you and I mean every bit of it." He told me. I stood there in the middle of the street just staring. He frowned a bit and touched my shoulders gently.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I smiled and all I could do was hug him. I squeezed him as tight as I could. It felt as if he was going to float away. I held onto him tight like he was getting ready to leave for a war. I loved my husband very much and right now, I was extremely sure he loved me.

He squeezed me back just as tight and rubbed his hand up and down my back. I grinned at has when he let go. Reality set in for me just then.

I found my true happiness.

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