6- The Calm Before the Storm

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"Stop staring at me like I killed your dog." I said to Evan. He glared harder. Gosh, the plane ride couldn't go any faster for me. I had a killer headache but it was starting to subside, due to a special drink Tyler made for me earlier. Good husband so far.

"You're supposed to be married to me, not him." He said angrily. I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Man, grow up. She chose me, get over it." Tyler said. I nodded. If anything, I was glad that it wasn't him I married. I'd take Tyler over Evan any day.

You'd take Tyler over any dude any day.

Who asked you to give your input?

Eh, I decided to show up. I hadn't spoke in a few days.

"It'll be fine." I heard Tyler say to himself. I looked at him just as he looked at me.

"You good?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"Now that we're married, I forgot all about how my mother would act. You know how she feels about that stuff." He explained. I nodded. His mom, Christy, had a special place in her heart for her son. You see, Tyler was the baby boy of his family and also the worst child. So, a bond was formed throughout the years. I guess some good came form all of those principal/parent visits and suspensions from school.

Plus, the same kind of thing happened with her and his father. But Christy's parents never took it well and disowned her because at the time, she got pregnant with her oldest child, Olivia. So, Tyler never got to meet Christy's parents. It was always a touchy subject for her, so they never brought it up. But now that Tyler and I have gotten married just like she did once upon a time, some disappointment may be coming our way. But then again, Christy actually talked to her parents three years ago. So, her reaction could be anything.

"Christy's gonna be like an average mom on this. She may or may not flip out on us. Just hope for the best, Ty." I said. He nodded.

"I'm just really nervous though." He told me.

"But think about it like this, you'll never forget our anniversary." I said with a smile. He chuckled and pulled me a little closer. This morning, Tyler and I came to the conclusion to stay together and to not get a divorce. I mean, I already knew the guy for some time and I'm sure marriage would've came up if he bothered me long enough.

Oh really? What happened to not being tied down? I'm pretty sure marriage is a form of being tied down. You know, the ultimate definition of tied do-

How about you go back to doing what you were doing, inner me. Your input is helpful sometimes.

Tyler and I looked into our marriage and saw that we got married at exactly two thirty in the morning on our birthday. That was something else. We wanted to see where this marriage goes before we quit on it. I wasn't exactly excited about the deal but wasn't exactly opposed to it. And also, we weren't exactly gonna tell our families when we got back. I don't visit home until one month and Ty still has graduation to get done. My graduation was earlier than his. So after his graduation, we'd visit.

I was starting to come to terms with this whole thing but this one thing saddened me the most. A tear nonchalantly made its way down my face. Tyler reached over and wiped it away.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked. I sniffed and looked up at him. His face was completely sincere. This is new to me. He held my face in his hands and I couldn't help but feel the warmth radiate from him.

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