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Fifteen years later

"Mom, Claire and Cam want me to take them to the skating rink." Tyson barged in. He sounded angry. I looked up from my work and faced Tyson.

"Tyson, we talked about this last week. While your dad was gone, you are taking the twins where they wanna be and where they need to be. I'll take your brother to and from practice this whole week." I said as I finished up a contract for a customer. I could hear him shifting his weight and sigh loudly.

"Okay I'm sure eighteen year olds don't sigh like that. You sound like a girl, son. I said what I said, now go take the girls to the rink. There's ten dollars each for you on the counter, now bye." I pointed towards the door. As he walked out I hollered. "And bring me at least five dollars back in change. That's for the gas you wasting that I put in your truck for school."

I printed the contract and grabbed my keys to go to the main office. On my way home, I stopped by he football field to pick up Chase. That little boy loved some football. He was gonna be good on somebody's team someday.

"Chase! Come on, we gotta go get your daddy!" I yelled out to him. He turned and looked at me. After grabbing up his stuff he came over to where I was.

"I thought he was coming tomorrow. Momma I wanted to play for about another hour." He complained. I laughed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm sure your dad would love to work with you later. How about that? And when Tyson comes back from the rink with Claire and Camryn, he might join in too." I negotiated as we walked back to the car. He placed his stuff in the trunk and hopped into the backseat. I handed him his headphones and tablet and he went to work on a game. I don't know why but Chase loved educational games. He was seven and was at the top of his class. Did I forget to mention I was five months pregnant?!

"Mommy, when you have my little brother, maybe he can play football with me, Ty, and daddy too." Chase said from the backseat. I smiled and laughed.

"What if the baby's a girl, Chase?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"I don't know, she can cheer with you Claire-Claire and Cammy while me and Tyson win against daddy." He said. I laughed. I rubbed my stomach as I merged onto the interstate towards the airport. Soon, I was waiting in the pick up lane for Tyler. Chase fell asleep not too long after that.

There was a knock at the window and I saw my husband's face. After he put his stuff in, he sat in the front. I leaned over to kiss him.

"Hey, babe. How was the trip?" I asked him. He sighed.

"Long. I missed my girl and our kids. Is Chase asleep?" He asked as he turned to look in the backseat. I nodded with a smile.

"Yeah he fell asleep not too long ago. He was hoping to play some football with his dad and big brother later. Think you can make that happen?" I asked him. He chuckled and nodded.

"Anything for my boy." He said. I smiled.

"That's good, the kids have been waiting for your arrival."  I told him.

"Where are the teenagers?" He asked.

"Our oldest took the twins skating after some words from me." I said with a laugh. He chuckled.

"Hey let's be nice to him now. He's leaving for college soon." Tyler mentioned. I smiled as he reached over and grabbed my hands.

"Hey, remember when we got married in Vegas some years ago?" I asked. He laughed.

"How could I not? Best night of my life if I could remember it." He said and I laughed. We fell silent on the way home. We were just about getting used to being parents. Having teenagers and a young child had its challenges. It was gonna get more challenging once our baby arrived. The baby was a girl but we were keeping her a secret from everyone and the kids until she was born.

Her name was gonna be Scarlet. She was a calm baby so far during the pregnancy. The only times she kicked around was when she was hungry or when she felt like I was laying wrong. That baby would not be still if I laid on my right side. I was just ready for her to get her.


A few months later

"Tyler," I whispered as I shook his shoulder. He groaned and I looked at the clock. It was four in the morning. I looked at Ty again.

"Baby wake up," I said. "Scarlet's coming." He sat up slowly and wiped his face.

"Babe, I'm sure those so-called contractions you feel are from the Mexican we had last night. Come on let's go back to sleep." He urged. I rolled my eyes and got up. Just like I thought it would, my water broke and the liquid substance flashed on our wood floors. He sat back up. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"One day I'm gonna tell her how her daddy acted when she was on her way." I said. He chuckled and got up while stretching his muscles.

"I just texted the midwife. She's on her way and she said to sit down cause she knows how much you like to move around. I'll go get the towels." He said and left. I when to the bathroom and made myself comfortable in the tub. I gave birth to Chase in this tub.

"Good times." I thought aloud as I patted the surface of the tub.

I heard a door open and saw Tyson peep his head into the room. He smiled.

"The baby's coming. I'm ready to meet my little brother." He said.

"What if it's a girl, Ty." I said. He laughed.

"Yeah right." He said and left. The same thing happened when his sisters and Chase cane I.  A few hours later, we all were gathered around looking at Scarlet in my arms. The kids smiled as they looked at their little sister. I caught eye contact with my husband. I loved him very much. I've been blessed with a wonderful family. I'm just thankful that Tyler and I had a love like a boomerang. We threw it away but it came right back and made us the happy couple we are today.


The End

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