11- An Intricate Turn

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He's so weird, I thought as I sat on the toilet. After finishing up my business and washing my hands, I walked into the kitchen. Tyler was sitting on the barstool. I reached up to grab a bowl, but I wasn't cut off as Tyler reached up and got it for me.

"I could've gotten that." I told him. He smiled a little.

"What's wrong with me wanting to help my wife? He asked me. I narrowed my eyes at him. Something is up, here.  He doesn't even help me with stuff I actually need help with.

"Well, give that here. I'm making oatmeal, want some?" I asked. He blanked out but zoned in once I waved my hands in front of his face.

"Huh? Breakfast, at this time?" He asked me, looking at the wall clock behind me. I turned and looked at the clock.

"Hm, yeah. Eight in the morning sounds pretty good if you ask me. Why are you up so early anyway? This is my 'me time'." I said, cocking my head to the side. He gulped. I placed the spoon I was holding on my nose, tapping it.

"Something's wrong with you. I'm not sure but maybe this will clear your head or something." I told him and turned to the cabinet. I reached up and grabbed the box of instant coffee he seemed to love. I took downs two mugs and fixed coffee for myself and left one empty. I wanted to tell him the news but not right now. He was a little too much for me right now. So, I wrote what I had to say.

Tyler! I'm pregnant :)

I handed him his mug and patted his chest. After making my way to the living room, I took a seat in the big comfy chair and pulled out a book I found last night. Not even a minute later, Tyler was standing in front of me. He opened his mouth to say something.

"No, I'm not playing with you, I'm really pregnant." I told him. He closed his mouth into a line. This scared me a bit but that went away once I realized what he was doing. My shirt was lifted and the crazy man was talking to my belly.

"Hey, little person, it's your dad. I want you to know that I love you and your mom so much, even though she's quite crazy." I slapped his arm. He looked up at me and winked. "As I was saying, I love you okay? Don't forget that." He said and pulled my shirt down. Before he got up, I placed my hands on his shoulders. His blue eyes looked into my brown ones.

"You love me?" I asked him. He shook his head as he began to grin at me.

"You don't know the half of it, Elle. I'm in love with you, no doubt about it. Danny, Elle, Ellie, Daniel, Danielle, booger, yes I do. I love you, Danielle Beatrice Smith." He said with the most serious face ever. Awe, he used my nicknames. I couldn't do anything but stare back at him.

"Finally!" I said and raised my hands. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Well this relationship just took an intricate turn. I've been waiting to tell you for so long but I just didn't know how. Glad you said it first. Took a whole lot of pressure off me man." I said and kissed his forehead. He just chuckled and moved out of way so I could get up. Tyler grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

"While I got you here, go get dressed. I planned a spa day for you today." He told me.

"You had it planned already or did you just think about it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He chuckled.

"Well when you were being antisocial, I planned it because I thought it'd make talk to me again. I missed our useless banter." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be ready in an hour." I said and walked off.

"The appointment is in an hour, exact." He said behind me. I turned around.

"I said, I'll be ready in an hour." I told him again. He smirked and threw his hands up.

"Yes ma'am." He told me and reached in his pocket for his phone. I was a little too giddy when I went into the bathroom. He loves me! And I love him back! So this is what a real relationship feels like.

I would think so.

Inner me! Welcome back, darlin' I missed ya! I turned the shower on and stepped in. After cleaning, I went to our closet and found something to wear. A flower printed romper caught my attention and I wasted no time in putting it on. When I walked out of the room, I saw that Tyler was dressed ready. He must've went to the other room. Doesn't matter, he still looked good.

"Twenty minutes? A new record." He said. I smiled and headed towards the door. We drove to the place and when Tyler went to drop me off, he walked me in.

"Hey, ladies." He said to the staff. They waved at him with smiles and gave me a hug.

"Take care of my wife, please. Just call when you're just about finished." He said then turned to me.

"Behave okay?" He said with a playful glint in his eye. I smirked.

"I'll try." I told him. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I love you, be good." He told me and kissed me. I smiled as he left then turned to the staff. They waited with giddy smiles. When Tyler left, I smiled widely.

"Who's ready to gossip about my husband?" I asked them. They all laughed and pulled me to a room.

"Hm, this looks tasty." I said as I pointed to an item on the menu. I kept looking through the menu but felt the burning gaze of someone on me. I sighed and put the menu down.

"Would you stop?" I asked Tyler. He rubbed the back of his neck as he smirked and smiled. Whatever.

"I can't when you look so good right now. Here, wear my jacket, your cleavage is too alluring right now." He said and started to take his jacket off. I laughed and reached over to stop him. The ladies at the shop, also helped me pick out a dress for this surprise dinner.

"I'm not cold and I'm not covering myself up for you. I got dressed up for you and you're gonna sit here and appreciate my cleavage." I told him and playfully shook my chest. He let out a breath.

"Man, you're killing me, Elle. Stop that." He said. I gave him a challenging smirk.

"Or what?" I asked. Ty rose an eyebrow at me and smirked back.

I had to ask.

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