18- The Unheard Of Wedding Traditions

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A few months later

"Someone has been drinking my apple juice!" I announced as I walked through the house. I heard laughter from the Tyson's room and stopped there. Tyler laid there sprawled out on the floor while Tyson sat on his stomach. He giggled as his dad made faces at him. I smiled at that.

"This is cute, Tyler. We have a problem though." I told him. He turned to me with a slight frown.

"Problem?" He asked. I folded my arms.

"Mhm, keep your lil crusty lips off my apple juice." I said with a neck roll. I tried hard to contain my laughter. The neck roll was something that I didn't do at all. He got up with Tyson. After placing him in his crib, Tyler walked over to me. He pinned me against the wall and kissed me hungrily.

"One, my lips aren't crusty. You go all people should know that. Two, that neck roll is unbelievably sexy. And three, if I wanted your nasty apple juice I would've gotten some the first day I brought it home." He said with a smirk. I laughed. But I did remember that Tyler was an orange juice guy.

"So." I said, sticking my tongue out. He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist and hoisted me up. My smile seemed to get bigger as he did that.

"Did if ever occur to you that sometimes you can be very forgetful about stuff you've done and need to do?" He asked me. I shrugged.

"Oh that reminds me. Leslie got my flower arrangements wrong for the wedding." I said with a frown. Tyler set me down.

"Wrong?" He asked.

"Yes, wrong, as in not correct." I said in a duh tone. He gave me a pointed look. I laughed, knowing that look.

"Watch that attitude girl." He said. I just waved him off.

"You wanna keep me happy or I'll turn into bridezilla." I told him. He shrugged me off.

"You don't think I can handle her? All it takes it one little kiss from me and she'll go away." He said. I shrugged.

"Yeah, yeah. Now listen, I need Leslie's number so I can call her. My arrangements needed to be red roses, not yellow tulips. I'm pretty sure I told her the color scheme was a dark charcoal gray, accented with hints of red and gold. How hard is that?" I vented. Tyler cocked his head to the side.

"What?" I asked him.

"Well when you say it like that, it only makes me wonder if I told my friend the right color scheme the other day." He said. I gave him a confused look.

"What did you tell them?" I asked.

"The colors were gray, red, and shiny yellow." He said with a shrug. I just stared at him. I didn't know whether to laugh or get upset at this.

"Shiny yellow, Tyler?" I asked him with a laugh. He shrugged.

"That's what it looks like." He told me. I shook my head.

"You are a funny man. It's gold, babe. The last color is gold. I don't even care if you get the charcoal grey part wrong, but the last color is gold." I told him.  The doorbell rung and I ran downstairs to answer it.

"Aye! What's up sis!" Thomas yelled as he let himself in. I looked at him weird as he walked towards the living room. I was about to close the door when Malik came barging in with a Latino hot on his trail speaking her native tongue. She did not look happy.

"Well hello twin and twin's guest." I said, surprised. Again, I tried to close my front door but it was once again pushed open. Gabe walked in this time along with my mom, grandma, Tyler's parents, and his grandparents along with some of our cousins and even Grace. I closed the door and peeped out of the window. I gasped and ran towards the stairs when I saw more cars pulling up.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, and even more no!" I said as I walked into our room. Tyler sat up and looked at me. Tyson sat in his bouncer playing with a rattle.

"What's up with the word no? And what's all that noise downstairs?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes.

"Our family." I said. He got up with a quizzical look and looked out the window. When he turned around the confusion deepened.

"And exactly why did we instantly become the host of a family reunion?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know but there's a load of our family down there, including this Latino girl yelling in my brother's ear. Then on top of that, more of our cousins are showing up." I explained to him. He sighed.

"Well let's go down there and see what this is before something gets broken." He said. Tyler crossed over to me before I picked up Tyson. He placed a lingering kiss on my lips.

"Remember, its only our family babe." He said. I laughed but then nodded my head. I bent down and grabbed Tyson from his bouncer and followed Tyler down the stairs. When we got down there, everyone stopped talking for what seemed like ten seconds just to stare at us. The silence was beyond awkward.

"Bring me that baby!" My grandmother shouted from somewhere. That seemed to break the silence because everyone jumped back into conversation.

"Um, granny? Not that we don't love y'all, but why are y'all here?" I asked. My grandma slowly retrieved Tyson from my hands as everyone started talking all at once. Soon, we understood perfectly because his mom and my mom explained the family's presence.

"It's a wedding tradition! We're staying here until the wedding!" My mom said excitedly. I frowned and looked at Tyler.

"What kind of wedding tradition is this?" He asked them.

"One that has been these two families since last night." His mom said. Wait what?!

"This is unusual. But I'm guessing you guys will be gone in two days right?" I asked them.

"Try two weeks, sis!" Malik yelled from the couch. My jaw dropped.

"Can we rain check? The wedding is in two weeks and we want our privacy until then and-"

"Whatever, we're here now and don't act like y'all don't have room. This place is huge plus, we're sharing rooms." Thomas said. I rolled my eyes.

"No one else's family does this, I swear we're something special." I heard Tyler mutter. I grabbed his hand and he squeezed. He couldn't be more right.

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