10- The First Arguement

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"Babe, wake up. It's exactly nine. I told you no earlier and no later." I groaned. Danny was always punctual.

"Please open your eyes so I can see those wonderful blue orbs of yours, baby." I heard her say. I chuckled and opened one eye.

"I said both, Samuel." She said, using my middle name. I smiled and opened the other one. I saw that Danny made herself comfortable sitting on my abdomen. I loved the view. Her boobs were in my face. She looked over at the digital clock on the table.

"Time to get up, lets go." She said and hopped off me.

"Wait! What about my good morning kiss?!" I shouted after her.

"After you shower, brush your teeth, and eat the breakfast I made." She said while walking off. I chuckled. She said that she made breakfast. That was a lie. Danielle ordered breakfast from the cafe a few blocks away because she couldn't cook to save her life. But then again, I witnessed her make an amazing seafood Alfredo one time.

"Take-out is my best friend." She once told me. Although I was truly convinced she loved telling that lie, I went along with it. She just didn't want to cook. I sighed and got up to take care of my hygiene. After showering, I made my way to the kitchen.

"You know getting dressed requires you to already have a pair of shoes and a shirt on right? And also some pants." She said as she sipped her orange juice. I just shrugged as I ate a piece of the French toast on my plate. I was sitting at the kitchen bar in my boxers enjoying the "home cooked" breakfast Danny had for me. She looked up at me and smiled.

"You're too cute." She muttered before sipping more orange juice.

"I want this color to go in the bathroom." Danny said and points to a dull purple color. I turned to the sales associate.

"We're gonna also need purple too." I told her. Danny slapped my shoulder for the fifteenth- no, sixteenth time. Yes, I counted.

"It's called periwinkle blue, Tyler." She said. I shrugged and she rolled her eyes. This was all confusing to me. That color wasn't even blue. Danielle got mad at me for getting the color wrong. I don't see the problem. I've gotten her every color she pointed out for each specific place in our home.

"Fine. Periwinkle blue, please." I said to the associate. Danny sighed.

"What now, Danielle?" I asked.

"Tyler. How can this be fun when you're not arguing with me?" She asked seriously. She really had a thing for arguing, huh? I couldn't help but laugh at this. I really thought she was upset.

"And you think this is funny, gosh." She said and placed her hands on her head. I laughed a little bit more. Danny and I don't argue that much and I thought that was a good thing. I think she just wants to experience getting mad at someone. I've never seen her really get upset but then again, I just reconnected with her this year. Things could change.

"Tyler!" She said. I sobered up a little bit. I could only make her happy. I took a deep breath.

"An argument? That's what you want, right?" I asked her seriously. She nodded like a kid. I rolled my eyes and kissed her forehead. The things I do for this woman.

"Okay then, how about this? I hate the color periwinkle blue. It's ugly and it's not even blue. Why can't we keep the colors plain and simple like I don't know, white? You're going over the top for something someone won't even pay attention to." I said to her.

"Cause it matters, okay?!" She fired back with a ghost of a smile.

"And why do the guest bedrooms have to be yellow?" I fired towards her.

"Because the windows are big and they let in lots of sunshine. The color yellow helps brighten up the room." She said sassily. I couldn't help burst into laughter again. Her logic made the perfect of sense. I looked at Danny as she folded her arms. Her eyes started to water.

"You make me sick, Tyler Caldwell." She said with tears eyes. Well shit, Tyler, you made her cry. A tear fell from her eyes and she wiped it but soon ran away with her hand covering her mouth. I turned to the sales associate who had to witness the whole thing.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry that you had to witness my wife and I's strange behavior." I said to her. She giggled.

"It's okay. But you should really get her some prenatal pills for her morning sickness." She said. I nodded and took her suggestion.

Wait. Prenatal deals with the development of an embryo. That means a pregnancy, meaning a baby, meaning Danny may or may not be pregnant. When did we- oh wait never mind. Not on our birthday, like a month after our birthday. I smiled, remembering that night. I wasn't drunk for that time.

Oh gosh, Danny's pregnant.
"You're pregnant." I said to myself in the mirror while staring down my reflection. "Nah, too blunt."

"Babe, you may or not be pregnant with our future son or daughter." I said. "Hm, better." I mumbled. A knock on the door startled me, making me drop my phone. I was thankful for the thirty dollar case I bought.

"Tyler? Come out, I need to pee!" I heard Danny say from the other side.

"There are three other bathrooms in this whole house." I called out as I looked at myself in the mirror again. I'm guessing she kicked the door because it was a really loud bang.

"Open the damn door!" She shouted. I unlocked the door and let her in. I was pushed out of the way. She basically ran in but before she did her business she just looked at me.

"Are you gonna leave?" She asked me.

"Nothing I haven't seen before." I told her with a smirk. She rolled her eyes then proceeded to do her business. I walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the bar stool. I jumped after hearing the kettle whistle but then turned the heat off of it.

For the past few days, ever since the "argument", (ha, funniest thing ever) Danny had been distancing herself I wasn't even sure what I was supposed to do. This is a first for me. Danielle was and will be my only serious relationship.

Before her, I didn't have to ask anyone what was wrong or knew how to handle a problem. Emotionally, of course, because I was alone. I never bothered to find someone permanent. She was on my mind too much. Danielle came out of the bathroom and walked into the kitchen. She opened the cabinet and started to reach for a bowl. I hopped down from the stool quickly and grabbed the bowl. She turned around and frowned at me.

"I could've gotten that." She said to me. I smiled a little. This was true. Danny was tall and was able to reach many things. I just wanted things to seem sort of normal.

"What's wrong with me wanting to help my wife?" I asked her. She narrowed her eyes at me. Danny was on to me.

"You don't even help me get down the heavy pots and pans I use sometimes. Give that here. I'm making oatmeal, want some?" She asked. I blanked out before she got my attention by waving her hands.

"Huh? Breakfast, at this time?" I asked her, looking at the wall clock behind her. She turned and looked at the clock.

"Hm, yeah. Eight in the morning sounds pretty good if you ask me. Why are you up so early anyway? This is my 'me time'." She said, cocking her head to the side. I gulped. She placed the spoon she was holding on her nose, tapping it.

"Something's wrong with you. I'm not sure but maybe this will clear your head or something." She said and turned to the cabinet. Danielle reached up and grabbed the box of instant coffee. She took down two mugs and placed them on the counter. After fixing the coffee, she handed me my mug and walked towards the living room. Elle patted my chest as she walked off. I sighed and lifted my cup to drink the coffee, only to find the cup was empty. I was about to yell for her when I saw a piece of paper in the bottom. I pulled it out.

Tyler! I'm pregnant :)

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