8- Good Times

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"You're back!" I said before I jumped on Tyler. He caught me and lifted me up into a kiss. I smiled into the kissed as he twirled me around.

"I missed you too, babe." He said. I smiled then turned to get dinner started. After he settled his stuff down, he came into the kitchen with only basketball shorts on.

"So what has my wonderful wife been up to for the past three days?" He asked. Ooh, let's mess with him Elle.

"Taking pregnancy tests." I said like it was no big deal. Tyler choked on his water and spit it out.

"Excuse me?" He said, completely shocked.

"I'm kidding." I told him and finished up the last bit of dinner. He sat there.

"What if it were real?" He asked me. I came and sat beside him.

"Then, I wouldn't have to worry about who would run and get me late night snacks." I told him a big smile. He laughed and pinched my nose.

"You booger." He said walked away. I couldn't help but laugh. I loved this. Messing with him brought me joy.

"The tables have turned, husband. This is payback for all those times you pranked me, tickled me with no consent, messed with me, and other stuff too." I said and sat by him on the couch. He pulled me into his lap.

"They sure have turned. After I met you again, I was waiting around for your call like a teenage girl. Then I remembered that I texted myself." He said with a laugh. I just stared at him. He stopped laughing.

"What?" He asked.

"Gosh, that was girly. I'll have you know that I was preoccupied that day with my breakup date. Have you ever tried to break up with someone?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders with a smirk.

"Well, I was-"

"Oh yeah, I forgot. You were a player until I waltzed into your life." I said with a big smile. He chuckled a bit.

"This is true." He told me. "Sometimes I think about what I'd be doing if I hadn't met you." I smiled, starting to flashback to when we first met in high school and when we dated.

"Probably sitting somewhere wondering what life would be like with an awesome woman like me." I told him. He chuckled. "But no, in all seriousness, you'd be doing something great. You just happened to have been on the fourth floor of the library a few months ago." He smiled.

"Let's go somewhere. I wanna show you something." He said and got up. My head fell onto the spot where he was sitting, which was warm by the way. I groaned.

"Come back! I was using you as a pillow and you freaking got up." I said. He pulled me up from the couch and handed me my shoes. I rolled my eyes as I put them on. I stood up and he grabbed my hand.

"You brought me to our old high school." I deadpanned. I looked around the old place. Everything was still the same, besides the new field house and band hall. Tyler grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction of one of the buildings.

"You bring me back to this horrible place and you still haven't said anything." I said once again. He looked back at me and smirked. I couldn't help but smile a little at him. He was too handsome.

"Thank you." He said while we walked. But he could answer to that even though I didn't mean to say it aloud?

"Oh he speaks." I said. He chuckled as we crossed the grounds.

"Here it is." He said as we stopped in front of a tree. I examined the tree. My eyes got big.

"This couldn't be." I said and placed my hands on my face. Tears formed in my eyes. Ty smiled at me. Man this spot was something special to me, good and bad.

"Go ahead, get them out." He said. I walked over to the tree and pulled out the metal box of notes our younger selves left three years ago. I sat down at the trunk of the tree and opened the box. Ty sat beside me. I thought those notes had blown away or something.

"Dear, future me, I hope you're hot." I read aloud. That was one of the notes I'd written to myself. I laughed at this. Tyler chuckled.

"Dear future Tyler, get more tattoos." He read aloud. He most definitely had those. We read a couple of more out loud. I stopped when I read a note that involved both of us.

"Dear future Danielle, I'm sitting beneath this big oak right now. Tyler is laying his head in my lap and for once, I can say he's actually being nice to me. We've been seeing each other for a month now. I think under his bad boy demeanor, he cares. I know this is extremely temporary but it feels like forever. He makes everything feel like forever. Don't forget about him, future me. He's important." I read. Tyler was smiling down at me. I looked at him.

"What." I said.

"You seem to make everything feel like forever too. Danny, do you know how I feel about you?" He asked me. I turned to him.

"I know that you care deeply for me. You can tell me the rest." I told him. He smiled and reached out to caress my face. I leaned into his touch as I closed my eyes.

"You're absolutely right. But there's more to it though. If you want the honest truth, I'm glad we got married on that drunk night. I get to keep you by my side now. And that's all I ever wanted." He said. I smiled.

"I'm not going anywhere." I told him. He smiled and leaned in. His lips caught mine in a magical kiss. Our lips moved in sync. We had to stop to catch our breaths. We laughed and just smiled at each other. I think I love my husband. I laid my head back on the tree, holding Tyler in my arms. His head lay on my lap while he played with the grass on the ground. Without hesitation, I ran my hand through his fluffy hair. Today was good.

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