22- Some Time Later

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Some time later....

It was that time again. Another pregnancy, another sweet way to tell Tyler. I did the coffee mug last time. Maybe I'll leave a note on the windshield of his truck. He hates when people do stuff like that. Ha, maybe it'll piss him off. The man had a temper, but it's funny when he finds out that I did whatever happened to piss him off. His face turns a bit redder and his hands clench. He was a character. Hopefully, it was a baby girl on the way. She'd be precious and I could see her and Tyson playing together now.

I heard the door slam and keys jiggle in the lock. The door opened and my handsome husband came through the door with a huge smile. He shrugged off his coat and stepped fully into the house. The cold air from outside swarmed around my legs briefly. I couldn't help but smile cause that smile of his was contagious. He came over to me and hugged me. Tyler lifted me up and spun me around. Finally he placed his lips on mine, giving me a warm kiss. I looked into his eyes as he smiled. Tyson waddled into the kitchen by that time. He'd be three this summer.

"What's got you so happy?" I asked him. He smiled and shrugged. Ty bent down and scooped Tyson up.

"Just thankful for my wife and two kids." He said. I smiled right along with him. Jokes on him, it was twins.

"Yep, three kids is the ideal family." I told him. He rose an eyebrow.

"Three kids? You mean, Tyson," he started then pointed tinny stomach," this little one and me?" He asked. I laughed and shook my head.

"You know this whole thing was supposed to be a surprise right?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I'm your husband, I know these type things." He said. I laughed.

"Okay, okay. It's not one baby, it's two. We're having twins." I told him. His smile grew bigger, if that was even possible.

"Even. Better." He said between kisses. I loved this man. The door slammed and an eager Grace peeped her head around the corner.

"You tell him yet?" She asked with a big smile. I nodded and she squealed. Tyler laughed.

"She's always on time with these type of things."

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