3- Minding My Business

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"Out of all places in this city, you choose to bring me back to your messy apartment?" I asked as we stepped inside. He chuckled.

"I'm not sure if I like this new honesty thing you've got going on, Elle. What happened to the Danielle who just stood there and smiled?" He asked.

"She died three years ago." I said, looking him in the eye then continued to walk around the apartment. He went quiet for a second. That one statement should've gave him some realization. Eighteen year old Danielle Smith doesn't exist anymore. Twenty one year old Elle is better than ever though. And he couldn't fool her.

"Come on, let's watch a movie." He said. I nodded and took a seat on the arm chair. Tyler flopped down to the couch.

"Why not sit by me?" He asked. I looked at him.

"I don't know, you might try and kiss me." I said, thinking of something off the top of my head. In reality, I was just being cautious. On the way here, I had only just realized what I'd done.

I was slowly letting him back in and that needed to be stopped. The coffee had been enough. I was sucked in by his good looks and his charm, kind of like I am now. His blue eyes stared right into my brown ones.

"Tyler, you're making it real hard to say no right now. Stop staring at me, you handsome man." I said and shielded my eyes. He chuckled and felt him come near me. Tyler placed a hand on my arm.

"Well I can't help but stare, you beautiful woman. You seem afraid. Tell me, Danny, do think I'll hurt you?" He asked. I froze. That's what he said last time. Well last time was last time, Elle. Give the man a chance. I wasn't gonna sit here and lie to the man. But man, he called me by the nickname he used to call me. That just melted my insides. I still can't lie to the man.

"Physically? No, because I'll whop you right upside your head real quick." I told him and he chuckled. "But mentally, yes. I know better now." I said, looking him in the eyes. I saw a flash of hurt run across his face. Smh, Elle. He fixed it and looked at me hard.

"How are you so sure? For all you know, I could've changed." He asked.

"Take this logic, Ty. As a kid, we learn and discover new things. Our parents tell us things along the way that help us but as a kid, we don't believe them. That is, until we try it ourselves if course. Take a hot boiling pot on the stove. Parents warn us that it's hot. Do we believe them? No. So, being the righteous badasses we are, we touch the pot anyway. But we pull away, seeing that it actually is hot. Now that we've learned it, there's no way in hell we're touching that again." I explained. "You, my friend, are that hot pot."

Tyler sighed and ran his hands through his hair. Curse him with his good looks. My insides were heating up. Good gosh, this man looked more and more like Kevin Love every time I glanced at him. His blue eyes pierced into my brown ones.

"I haven't been with anyone in three years, Danielle. Three years and it's all your fault." He said, looking into my eyes. I folded my arms, I wanted to hear this.

"Explain." I demanded.

"I don't have some smart logic to recite to you that can make you understand. What I can do is say this though." He said, placing a hand on my leg. "I lied today about you being on my mind ever since the I visited home. You've been on my mind ever since you left that day, Danny. Do you know how confused and angry I was at you? I understand what I did was wrong and stupid. I understand that, but you left. And all this time I thought you were the bad person there. But I honestly believe that you were put into my life for a reason. There's a reason why I bumped into you then and again today."

"You're always on my mind. And I think it's time I try and pursue you. Seriously this time. You are it for me and there's nothing or no one who can change that." He continued. I just sat there and looked at him. Tyler's face moved close to mine and soon we were kissing. My hands ran through his hair while he lifted me and pulled me closer. It was like we couldn't get enough of each other or something. Woah

"Woah," I said, breaking away. "Nope, can't do this. I'm sorry." I told him and grabbed my stuff up together. He grabbed my hand before I could open the door.

"At least tell me our date is still on for Friday." He said. I sighed and walked out, not even sure what my answer was. He was still worried about that silly date. Some major re-evaluating of my life was needed right now. Tyler Caldwell found his way into my life again.

Well it's kind of your fault too. You kissed him back, Elle.

Okay, inner me. No one told you to be all logical and correct. Chill out with all of that.

Just saying, dude.

I dug for my keys as I stood outside my door. When I found them, I unlocked the door and rushed inside. My back was against the door and I was breathing really hard, which I wasn't sure about because I didn't run home. It was a leisurely walk because I found out that his apartment was two blocks from mine.

"Danielle Beatrice Smith, you are in a bind." I said out loud. Tyler Samuel Caldwell was one smooth mother scooter. Why did I even go up to him anyway? He looked perfectly fine at the library.

The guy was struggling with his project.

Okay, we get it, inner me.

Hey, I can't help that you care deep down inside for people. And when I say people, I mean Tyler.

I took a breath and walked to my bathroom to get ready for bed. Today had been eventful. I broke up with Evan and Tyler just confessed his almost no doubt love for me. If only I had left him alone and minded my business. I picked up my phone after it dinged. It was Evan.

Goodnight, sweetheart

I rolled my eyes and turned over so I could sleep. The day had been eventful enough. I wasn't gonna ruin the one good thing I could get and that was sleep. I should've just minded my business.

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