16- The New Edititon

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"Grandpa Steven!" I cried out. He crossed over to my side of the bed and kissed my forehead.

"Ellie, my darling. Chicken Nugget is ready to come on out isn't he?" He asked me. I laughed at the nickname he used for Tyson. My family and Tyler's family either used that name or Ty. They only used Chicken Nugget because they used to pick on me about how much I ate then. They said that Tyson was gonna end up looking like one. The name just stuck.

"I think he's ready to see his handsome father." Tyler spoke up. I rolled my eyes. Grandpa Steven turned to him.

"I think his handsome great grandfather takes the cake here, young buck." He told Tyler. I rolled my eyes once again.

"As much as I'd like to think that you both are extremely handsome, Tyson isn't getting anymore patient and this pain isn't getting any better." I said, snapping them out of their playful banter. I looked around my room for my grandmother. Grandpa Steven caught my eye and winked.

"They just called her in, sweetie, she'll be here in a minute." He said to me. I let it a breathe. I loved my granny but she needed to hurry up. My epidural was needed, like now.

"Where's my grandchild?!" We heard as someone opened the door. My grandmother walked in with her nurse uniform on and her equipment. I smiled brightly but that ended quickly as I felt another contraction.

"Come on here, honey, let me give you this epidural. I'll give my greetings to you when my great grandchild gets here healthy." She told me as she got the medication ready. I nodded and sat back. Soon, my bottom half was numb and I was close to pushing. My brothers, mom, Grace, Tyler's mom, brother, and sister were all packed into the room. My dad and dad never bothered to answer the phone. It was nearly midnight. Tyler's dad was out of  town but he was on his way as soon as he heard the news.

"Alright, everyone out, except for Tyler. It's time for Ellie to push." Grandpa Steven said. I took in a deep breathe and squeezed Tyler's hand. I looked up at him as he gave me a reassuring hand squeeze.


"Tyson Samuel Caldwell, eight pounds twelve ounces

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"Tyson Samuel Caldwell, eight pounds twelve ounces. What a healthy baby! Congrats, Ellie!" Grandpa Steven announced. I smiled as I held out my arms to receive him. Tyler smiled and I spotted a few tears in his eyes.

"He's beautiful, babe. You did a good job." He said. I smiled and kissed his head.

"We did amazing." I told him. We looked towards the camera to smile and take a picture. Soon, our families were let back in and we all chatted nicely.

"Okay, so when are y'all gonna have a girl?" Vin asked. We all looked at Tyler's brother.

"They just had him not even two hours ago and you want to know when their gonna have a girl?" His mom asked him. He shrugged.

"They make cute children." He reasoned. We all laughed. It was true. Tyson was handsome. He looked just like his daddy. I looked over to Tyler who was holding him with a smile on his face. His tiny hand gripped his pointer finger strongly as he talked to him. He looked up at me and winked. I yawned as I turned away.

"Alright you guys, let's give Elle some rest. I got a new recipe I wanna try out for you guys." Grace said. Everyone hopped up at the sound of that. Grace was in culinary school and we all loved her cooking. It made me a little upset that I had to stay here and couldn't try her food. I waved bye to everyone as they exited. I'm not even sure what possessed Grace to cook this late at night. I looked over to Ty. He smiled at me.

"Just us now, huh?" He asked me as he passed Ty to me. I nodded with a smile. I looked down to her as he yawned. It was the cutest thing ever! With a head full of hair and a facial expression of Tyler's, this baby was pretty dang cute. His face held an innocent look. Kind of like the look Tyler would give me when I would catch him sneaking into the kitchen at night.

I smiled at our baby boy. He was everything I imagined and more. I looked at Tyler who was already looking at me.

"Thank you." He said. I gave him a confused look. He smiled.

"For everything, Elle. You have given me everything I can imagine and more. I love you so much and our new edition. Without you, I don't know where I'd be or what I'd be doing. Because you loved me, you kept me on the right path and I thank you for that. Without you, this wouldn't be possible." He said. I smiled at my husband.

"We keep finding our way back to each other. There's no such thing as leaving between us because we'll always come back." I told him. He smiled.

"Were like boomerangs, babe." He said. I laughed at his logic. Funny, but true.

"Alright, now take care of my great grand baby okay?" My grandmother said into the truck. I smiled and nodded. I hugged her as much as I could from the window. I sat in the back seat with Tyson's seat to secure him. Tyler winked at us from the drivers seat. My mom and grandma placed a hand on my arm.

"Oh, honey I know you can't wait until those six weeks are up." My mom said. If I were lighter, I'd be a tomato. My grandma laughed.

"Girl, if I were you, I'd be jumping those bones right when the six weeks are over. Your husband is fine, honey. Cherish him." She said and kissed my forehead. I smiled at my grandmother and mom. They were the best.

"Well we gotta go. I'll see you guys whenever I can get out okay? Love y'all." I told them. They sent flying kisses as I let the window up. I looked down at a sleeping Tyson. I kissed his cheeks. I spotted Tyler looking at us through the mirror. I sat up.

"You don't kiss my cheeks when I'm sleeping." He said. I smirked.

"You try to turn it into more, so I keep my lips to myself." I told him. He laughed.

"How can I not? You're hot." He said. I laughed at him.

"Drive, Tyler. Just drive man." I said to him. I smiled as I heard his hearty laughter as we pulled off from the hospital.

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