5- What Happens in Vegas

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Three months later

"Are you sure you have everything? Because I'm not turning around for nothing." I said to Grace. She looked around her apartment then held a thumbs up. I smiled and headed towards her door.

"Aren't you excited for your birthday?" Grace asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I've kind of been looking forward to this. Ever since graduation, I couldn't wait until I got away." I told her honestly. I was graduated from college with a bachelors in interior design from an online college while also completing a degree in business at the university early. That was last year back in December. I worked really hard, now I could start something for myself.

"Well, my brother said he was already at the airport with his friends and our cousin." She said. I nodded. Grace was my best friend in the whole wide world. She was also Evan's cousin. Yippee. It was a win/lose situation. I hope her brother's friends were there. Evan and I still have that breakup in our midst. And if I knew Evan, he still wasn't over it. The guy sent me flowers just last week.

As we rode, we sang along to the different songs that came on the radio. Not only was it my birthday coming up, but Tyler's too. We shared a birthday, which I thought was cool. He was a year older than me though, so he would be turning twenty three.

I parked in the airport parking lot and walked in with Grace. Her brother met us at the door to help with the stuff. I looked around.

"I thought there were more people?" I asked. Jacob looked up at me.

"Their on their way. Why don't you two go inside and check on the flight." He said. Grace and I went in to check our stuff and to make sure it was correct. While we were going in, I saw Tyler walk out. I stopped him.

"Hey." I said with a confused yet happy look. I hadn't seen him in a month. The last I had seen him was at a small party a mutual friend had. We stayed up under each other all night that night. He smiled and pulled me in for a long hug.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked. I smiled.

"Great, ready for my birthday." I said. He smirked.

"Don't you mean our birthday?" He asked. I shrugged.

"That works too. What are you doing here?" I asked. He looked at Grace. She smiled.

"Well, that was supposed to be a surprise. Tyler is coming with us to Vegas." She said with a smile. I smiled even harder.

"Stop lying, for real?" I asked them both.

"Yeah, I'm coming, Danny." Tyler said. I did a small happy dance. They laughed.

"Well let me help with the stuff. Save me a seat." Tyler said and kissed my forehead. I turned to Grace.

"So he was Jacob's friend?" I asked. She nodded.

"So what about y'alls cousin?" I asked. She frowned a bit as she pointed towards the parking lot. Pulling up in a sleek black car, along with a chauffeur, was Evan. I rolled my eyes and looked at Jacob and Grace.

"Seriously?" I asked them both.

"You wouldn't have came if you knew he was coming." Jacob said. He rubbed the back of his neck as he saw me start to glare.

"Oh no doubt." I said. Grace patted my back.

"Tyler is here with you, that's all that matters right? You did say that you were ready for a relationship with him now. Plus, Jacob's other friend will be here in a few so Evan probably won't be that focused on you." She pointed out. I smiled and nodded.

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